Saturday, July 5, 2008

ZRII Health Juice

ZRII Health Juice

If there's something that can add more value to your life each day, and can induce you to count the life you have in your years and not the years you have in your life, then it is Zrii. To put it simply, Zrii is a juice. But it is not just any juice; it is a wellspring of life. An extremely large number of people are using Zrii drink each day of their lives, and are finding out that their life is just getting better and better.

The juice is made with a very careful combination of herbs. Each of the herbs selected have specific functions to perform for the human body, and when taken together, they act as great rejuvenators for the human system, making it function at more than its optimum level. This might seem to be a very tall order, but Zrii makes it possible quite easily. This brilliant red bottle of amalaki juice packs within itself 5,000 years of herbal study, making use of what we know and respect today as the science of Ayurveda.

The six herbs used to make up Zrii are schizandra (the magnolia vine), turmeric (haldi in Ayurveda), basil (tulsi in Ayurveda), Indian Gooseberry (the celebrated amalaki in Ayurveda), jujube, chebulic myroblans (haritaki in Ayurveda) and ginger (adraka in Ayurveda). All of these ingredients have a host of functions for the human body, and if taken together, there is no human illness that they can prevent. The main rejuvenator in this group is amalaki, which is single-handedly enough to improve the quality of life.

What is the amalaki actually? It is the Indian Gooseberry, a green colored berry that is indigenous to India. This almost translucent berry is also known in India as amla, and has the botanical name of Emblica officinalis. It is known as one of the richest sources in the world of ascorbic acid, which is Vitamin C. Just chewing one complete amlaki berry is enough to supply the entire amount of Vitamin C that is required for a whole day.

ZRII Health Juice


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