Monday, July 21, 2008

Veretekk SEO

Platinum Control Panel.
As of this writing we are well on our way to building a very powerful SEO and leadership platform with the Platinum Control Panel. With great input from over 40 members to the Panel, it is turning into a very powerful tool indeed.
Join us this evening to hear much more about what is in the works and will soon be launched as the most important and powerful SEO development since Google.
Also, be aware that the Platinum Control Panel Beta offer will officially end next weekend on Sunday night at midnight PST. After that date we will not be offering the 12 months free for the current Beta program.
Silver SEO launch is coming
Join us Mike starts to reveal the power and amazing benefits being added to the soon to be released SEO Silver systems. Just be there, you will be amazed at what we have in store for this fall's latest releases.
See you this Monday!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.
Veretekk Subscriptions continue to grow
Will you be the next one to earn $1000.00 or more?
Are you treating your Silver signups to excellent support? If you are then you will probably find your self the next recipient to receive this coveted bonus. It sure is nice to get a big chunk of change to pay down that mortgage and fill up that tank.
See you this Monday!
Thomas Prendergast
CEO, Inc.

Taylor Prendergast
Veretekk Artist Extraordinaire
More about Taylor Prendergast up and coming world-class artist of our time.
First of all I have had to re-list Taylor's artwork. Instead of an auction it is now a make best offer to keep it fair. I have also listed my finest piece of Taylor's work for those of you with the foresight in buying a real original piece that I know will become priceless.
You see, Biljana, the gallery owner in La Jolla, who has connected Taylor with Jose Ciula in Croatia forwarded Taylor's blog to a curator of the Louvre in Paris and owner of several top galleries in Paris. Now, this woman has made plans to also fly to Croatia to personally meet Taylor. Folks, even though I am a proud Papa for my daughter, you all know that I am an artist and also brutally honest. I have never seen this type of reaction to an artist like I am seeing here. I can also tell you that if Taylor stays focused on her future as an artist she will be one of the finest artists of our time.
I am attempting to raise some money for Taylor so she can attend the art school in Croatia. Oh, did I tell you she has been accepted? Yes she has. And I want her artwork to earn the tuition fees for her attendance.
So we will be headed to Croatia sometime soon. You can find her work re posted here:
Keep in mind that Veretekk purchases include the top quality frames. These frames cost me over $300.
Feel free to make an offer. I have set the Best Offer lower than the Buy now price so you may even get a better deal.
Butch Hamilton Column
Simplified SEO
I think one of the most appropriate quotes about living came from Henry David Thoreau. He said, "Simplify...Simplify...Simplify!" Since most of what I do concerns SEO on Google, I take the exact same approach to the whole aspect of gaining recognition and prominence on the Internet. I take the most simplistic view of the process that you can imagine, and it works brilliantly every single time.
When I am beginning an SEO campaign, my first process is to visualize what I am wanting to accomplish. I use the term thinking as this is exactly what visualization is. I visualize what I am wanting to accomplish, how I am going to write the keyword content. I do all of this BEFORE I do any actual work at all. Sometimes my visualization comes very quickly. Other times, I have to think for days, or even weeks before I make a final decision. The visualization thinking process sets up needed patterns in my thinking before I actually begin to choose the effective keywords for the campaign.
A very good example of this is my SEO gig for leads. Every article I write is titled leads. This may seem too simple for most people to grasp, but in all actuality, SEO is a very simple approach to placing keyword specific information on the search engines for people to find. I find that people seem to need to extract every small and unimportant detail from anything they do. As you may know, I was in the construction business. Everything that I dealt with was numbers. Inches, feet, yards all had to be closely measured in order to make the weld precise and in the exact location that I wanted it to be. This was a detailed art, but in fact, I was more of a creative nature. I simply wanted to visualize my building project and then put it into motion. I found that if I over analyzed the project, most times it simply did not get done.
We could move right into the area of making sales online. As a matter of fact, closing sales is one aspect of SEO that you must consider. When you have a prospective client on the phone, you must be able to think quickly on your feet. You must know everything about your Google business before you begin to speak with them. You must be able to answer their questions, but more importantly, you must no over analyze the call that you are going to make.
When I speak with a prospective SEO client on the phone, I simply say hello. "You filled out my contact form, and I wanted to speak with you about your objectives." This direct approach works very well. In the first place, these people are always impressed that I call them quickly after the submission is made. Most of these people will comment on how rapidly I answered their request. I simply tell them that this is the business that I am in. If you understand this approach, it is very important to call these people right away and let them know that you are here to answer their questions. You are not here to SELL them anything at all. You are simply providing benefits and solutions and answering their questions.
Online sales are tricky because you do not have eye contact with the person. You must arrange your thinking when you are writing about your business, as if you were looking across the desk at them. This way, your content will be written as if you were simply talking to them. There is no need to try to sound impressive, wealthy or knowledgeable. All you really have to do to make sales of any type is to just be yourself. Whether you know it or not, you are perfect just as you are. This one aspect seems to give people more grief that any issue I know of.
When you are just going to be you for a change, you will see that phone scripts, analyzing your conversations, planning and preplanning are totally unnecessary. The most important thing that you need to do is to simply pick up the phone, and say "Hello."
In the art and science of search engine optimization, the process begins with you writing keyword specific stuff. Even if you are not good at it, live content on Google is the absolute king. This leads me to a question. How many articles have you written today to build your online business? Are you writing stuff, or are you planning, analyzing, preparing and really getting nothing done? Only you can answer this question.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk
Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining Calendar.
Cindy McAsey Column
If you are seriously wanting to grow your business online you will read and think about what I'm about to share with you. Keywords are K-E-Y to so many things online. Most of all search engine traffic and getting to the right people who are sincerely interested in the product or service that you're offering. One of the biggest and most common marketing mistakes that people make is to fall in love with a product and assume that everyone else will too. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG.
Here's the only rule that you'll ever need to know about successful sales and marketing... Find out what people want and give it to them.
O.K. Go back and read that again. Let this truth sink deep into the very marrow of your marketing bones. Done? When you get this, everything else is just execution. How do you find out what people are looking for online today? It's called keyword research, now if you aren't an expert in keyword research I suggest you find someone who is and either hire them or learn from them. That's what I did.
Once you have determined what THEY want you have 2 choices. You go after them or they find you. (I prefer they find me) What's the greatest free source of these people finding you? Search engines, of course! And what do search engine and people looking for you crave most? Original content. If you're a content writer, which you absolutely should be, you're sitting on the golden egg that search engines and your prospects are looking for. Original content.
So, how do you get that content up online in the fastest and easiest way possible? Veretekk RSS feed hooked to a Platinum Control Panel (PCP). The quicker you realize this the faster you will take your business to the next level.
As most of you know I'm very picky when it comes to how a site looks. Now that I have my Veretekk RSS feeds hooked up with a PCP and going out to 20 blogger drones all with different style scripts, and I'm going crazy trying to clean up all of my RSS feeds.
Here's couple of tips I've found that may help you...
There is a difference between an RSS feed that's going out to many places and a blog that is just in one place. In order to make your RSS feed nice looking (on all the sites) you DO NOT want to have ANY font tags, or weird colors, or even pictures with colors that won't blend with most colors.
When our RSS feeds were just in a tiny little iframe on the Veretekk traffic portals it wasn't that big a deal. NOW it is.. at least to me!
I'm slowly making progress (little each day) cleaning up my RSS feeds... it's going to take some time for me to get to every post I've made. Here is what I've found that just doesn't work if you want a nice looking site that readers will want to return too. (in addition to what I mentioned above)
a. Header tags especially the larger ones (I'm removing all header tags) and just using bold tags
b. All youtube videos need to be resized down to: width="325" height="255" (at the max)
c. Pictures no bigger than 250 by 250 pixels and sized down too (the maximum would be like the videos depending on what you are trying to accomplish)
d. Always begin a RSS post with a paragraph and end it with a paragraph tag
e. No website page code.
f. Any open tags that aren't closed screws up EVERYTHING!
In summary first find out what people are looking for online, then give it to them using original content in your Veretekk RSS feed using CLEAN code. In the few short weeks our team has been using the Platinum Control Panel we have seen some amazing results in the Search Engines. I feel very blessed to have access to this powerful tool for our team called Veretekk Platinum Control Panel. My question for you is how serious are you about growing your business online?
To your success,
Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach
Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer™ and can be found training in the Gold Veretraining™ Calendar.
The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results!
How many times have you looked at a business opportunity and said to yourself, that doesn't work. You may have even looked at some of the best one advertised on the Internet, and said there is no way that can work. Well let me tell you folks, there are certain Internet businesses that do work. When the marketing strategy is perfectly planned, put together by one of the greatest marketing minds, and driven by Veretekk, it will work
If you doubt what Veretekk can do for your marketing efforts, STOP doubting! Simply stated, the team concept of delegation rather than duplication, like we use at Its Good Business, works, and it works better than anything out there.
As a team member of particular marketing company, I have seen first hand how the Veretekk system can drive traffic to your site, and rank your sites at the top of Google. Following the proper leadership and sticking to your plan, and not giving up, does produce results. I continually write about different marketing companies in my blogs. I configure my Veretekk system for my keyword phrase, write with keyword phrase dense content, and post it out on the Internet. All this is done through my Veretekk system.
The other day two business associates of Send Out Cards, one of the MLM companies I write about, came up with an idea that would help them build their Send Out Cards' businesses. Their plan was to use an Internet marketing system, to capture leads, and then turn around and resell these leads to Send Out Cards' reps. Turning to Google (Isn't that where everyone searches?) to search for Send Out Cards leads, to their amazement, they found my blog, and then another, and another. They were all over the Internet. Yes folks, everywhere they turned they found my blogs and content.
Later that afternoon, my phone rang. "Hi, is this Jeff, my name is Tim, you don't know me but I'm a Send Out Cards rep." I thought to myself, here goes, someone trying to pitch me on his SOC business. This time, to my amazement, they weren't pitching me on their deal; they wanted to know what I was doing writing about SOC. We had a nice conversation, as I continued to explain what I do, and what our organization does. I gave them a web site where I posted a recorded business opportunity presentation.
After spending time listening to the recorded business opportunity presentation, reviewing the web site, and talking it over with his friends, Tim called me back. He and his friend signed up into my business, and became a member of our team. Yes, they both caught the vision. The same vision I have and, I believe, the same vision Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling had when they set out to build Veretekk.
If you still have doubts about Veretekk, or marketing on the Internet and what this system can do for you, doubt no more. The SEO techniques taught within Veretekk, in conjunction with the power of the Veretekk system, WORKS!
Jeffrey Sloe
Twinsburg, OH

I have been involved in network marketing and the home based business industry for the past 10 years.
I have tried all kinds of ways to build my business, both traditional and via the internet. I always struggled to understand how the internet worked and especially how to obtain top positions.
Then in September of 2007, I discovered Veretekk. What was really impressive was the way in which they teach you about Veretekk. You are able to log into a web-conference room and watch and listen to live trainers sharing their knowledge on various aspects of internet marketing and of course how to maximize the power of the Veretekk system. After about a month, I had an ah ha moment. I was finally understanding how internet marketing truly worked and the mysterious Google.
If you are struggling, like I was, then please check out Veretekk today. For me, Veretekk is simply the best of the best when it comes to internet marketing systems. It has incredible power and when configured properly, for your home business, you will have a substantial way of building an internet business. This will require an investment of time to learn the various aspects of the system, but you will be coached on the proper ways of internet marketing.
I want to personally thank Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling for creating and developing the best system ever. I know both have invested an incredible amount of time over the past 10 years working 10 to 15 hours plus per day to build Veretekk. For the first time in my life, I now have the knowledge and training on how to build a successful home business via the internet.
I have wasted a lot of money on programs and systems that always over promised and under delivered. Not so with Veretekk. This is the real deal and they over deliver.
Make it a great day
Darrell Lischka
Alberta, Canada

Marketing on the Internet is not for sissies and neither is Veretekk™.
That statement is not indicitive that either is impossible, it means that be successful with either it takes a committed effort. The first thing that I did was attend the live training on just about evey subject that was being taught at the time. I felt then that is was like going back to college because of the depth of knowlege shared by the trainers. Before getting involved with Veretekk™ I was like a lot of other people, I used to spend a lot of money on leads every month with dismal results. Veretekk™ taught me not to buy leads and how to generate my own leads. Veretekk™ taught me how to write concise information that turned leads from suspects into prospects. I learned a lot attending Veretekk™ training classes. If it had not been for the dedication of the Veretekk™ trainers and the education that I received through the Veretekk™ system, I am certain that my story would have been quite different.
My thanks to all of the trainers who have helped me and especially you Tom for creating the Veretekk™ system. In my opinion it is the best money I have ever invested while trying to build a new career.
Bully to all
Robert Sterling
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO, Inc. (Veretekk™)
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-SEO Master Trainer for Veretekk
Butch Hamilton is a well respected and highly competenet SEO Master on Google.  His reputation is only exceeded by his desire to give all of his esteemed SEO Clients the very best in search engine optimization results.
You will indeed be fortunate to hire him for all of your SEO needs.  His services cover all the areas of promoting effectively on Google from Domain Purchasing and Hosting, to Website Construction and Promoting Effectively to Top Positions on Google.
To begin this process, it will be necessary to go here: and fill out the contact form provided.  You will be contacted in a timely fashion to discuss your SEO needs for your websites.
Here are the various SEO Packages Now Available:
The exclusive SEO client list is kept small, therefore, only top level SEO Services are provided.

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