Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Multi-Level Marketing Testimony

I had just  received a huge smack in the head!
It's only recently that I faced the truth, the reality: There's not much time left for me … to earn enough money to pay off my debts and accumulate enough cash so I won't have to retire on the pension!
When that realisation hit me, I tried to find some business opportunity that would make me a million dollars overnight and wouldn't cost me anything to get it … so I became the fall guy for any scheme that fell into my inbox! Deeming programs, MLM and NM opportunities – I spent my cash on all of them and drove myself full tilt into making them succeed …. But, did I succeed in any of them?
Well, I certainly spent heaps of dollars.
None of the deeming programs ever gave me back more than the amount I put in at the best! And as for the MLM opportunities … I built some of them up quite nicely, but as soon as I took my eyes off them and my constant attention to them away, they all slowly tumbled to the point of extinction!
Something had to be wrong! The question was .. who was it? Probably me – I mean that's how most of us think isn't it! If others were succeeding and I was failing, it had to be me right?
I was wrong!
It wasn't until I stumbled on Tom Prendergast and Veretekk and then discovered Its Good Business, attended the conference calls explaining the opportunity and took a closer look that I realised – gasp!: It wasn't me at all! It was the smoke screens and the lies and the deception of the companies and promoters behind the other programs that had almost caused my complete destruction!
Thank you Tom, Veretekk and IGB – I'm now well on the road to becoming rich slowly and building my IGB business properly as a normal business should be with complete training and FULL team support in an environment of friendship just like an extended family!
Take the leap of faith … join us and never have to sweat your heart out again! I can show you how to join with us as an international!
Noel Crowe
Skype: noelcrowe1
Phone: +61246485033
IGB DownUnder

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