Monday, July 28, 2008

Multi-Level Marketing MLM Testimonial Makes its Mark Again!
Many times it is necessary to compliment leadership when things go right. People at the top, in most cases, don't get the accolades that they deserve when a job gets done right. They only hear about the problems. In this case the leadership of deserves honorable mention.
In February Al Gonzales began his business quest with under the leadership of Tom Prendergast. Together they established a businesses model that has taken the Internet by storm. This business model is a buy customers not leads model.
When they went to market with this model they surveyed the MLM and Network Marketing arena trying to find a model that was not centered on buying leads and having to make cold calls. This particular model has a proven track record of failure. They decided to create a "buy customers not leads" model using the well know nutricutical company that has a history of success in marketing to the end user.
In addition to using the particular nutricutical company as the backbone of the product delivery system they increased the services that would offer. They established a SEO [Search Engine Optimization] team to gain high positions in the search engines thus gaining inquires by the hundreds to the program. They also created a Sales Consultant team to take the inquiries and contact them, telling about When someone has an interest they are placed in the down line under a person who needs them to grow their business.
 Yes that's right the sales team and SEO team are unselfishly working for others to make them a success. This approach is highly unique and has taken the Internet by storm. It is so successful that people are getting cash flow the first month and growing over time. In a short time this model has produced almost 7000 customers and over 100 Business Affiliates. The growth that has occurred has been phenomenal and created quite a stir in the home business arena.
The leadership has been the driving force in the growth of the model and must be recognized in moving this business model forward. Al, Tom, as well as all the members of the various teams have given of their time and energy to make this model a success. All must be congratulated since this effort is not a "one man/woman band" so to speak. Everyone has a hand in the success but the leadership has to be given an "Atta Boy" for coming up with the model.
If you would like to learn more about this model you can come to a weekly meeting on Saturday's at 1:00 pm PST and listen to a live presentation as to how you can benefit from the model. All you have to do it go to site and register. Once you register you must verify in your email to accept the invitation then you will have your password to attend the meeting. This model deserves your attention.
Thanks For Reading,
 Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor

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