Wednesday, July 23, 2008

IGB Members Won`t Be Fools Again

IGB Members Won`t Be Fools Again

Most of members have been looking for a long time for the right business model to fulfill their dreams. Many of the IGB members have been less than satisfied with the outcome of their efforts in the past and they won`t be fools again.

IGB members have finally found the right business model and they understand there is no time for them to fool around anymore. IGB members are very serious about the fool proof system creator and CEO of Inetekk Tom Predergast has mapped out for them to follow.

If you think this is some kind of April fools joke than you better consider the alternative. IGB members are becoming the largest SEO team ever assembled in the history of the Internet. IGB members are working like crazy fools driving massive traffic to

So simple even a fool could build a long term residual income if they would take the time to learn how to buy customers Not leads to build their business like IGB members are doing.

These are real customers who want to buy the products, this is like finding Gold. Did you get that real customers not like distributors who only produce Fools Gold. is a new business model simply built on buying customers Not leads to build your business. This is not one of those April fools day pranks this is the real deal.

To get all the details come to a presentation in our state of the art web conference room on Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. PST or Saturday at 1:00 p.m. PST and learn how you can benefit from our SEO knowledge.

You will NOT be sold anything here, you will only receive information.

Building residual income with and real live customers.

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