Thomas Prendergast crosses the finish line...
After 10 years it is done!
Veretekk™ is a vision that dates back to 1992. It started to solidify in 1998 with the beginning of Inetekk.com, Inc. The year 2002 it became known as Veretekk™. Since that time I have literally spent 20 hours a day building and tons of money in hardware and technology. NOTE: I must give Mike Darling major KUDOS for seeing this vision and rolling up his sleeves and joining me in this endeavor around 1998. Without his support and tireless commitment, Veretekk™ would have never become what it is today.
I am delighted to announce that everything I wanted Veretekk to be has been accomplished. Every detail in Veretekk™ is done. The Portal Control Panels are all standardized and completed. Veremail™ has major upgrades. All the details are completed and now I get to graduate from the boiler room development to heading up the Marketing at the Speed of Thought campaign.
This is a major accomplishment and I would like to invite all of you to attend our Sunday conference as I unveil all the little details and benifits that are now at your disposal. This will be a fashion show of sorts as we parade all the new details and enhancements found throughout your Veretekk™ system.
As I move into marketing I will also be hosting major training sessions starting Monday December 03, 2007. Check the calendar for the times and dates. These trainings are called "Veretekk™ from start to finish", [From Start Up to a Finished Marketing Machine]. I will be recording these events as I build the new training modules in the Veretraining™ area of your Veretekk™ back office.
From here on out, Mike Darling will be taking the lead in the continued growth and development of new and exciting enhancements to Vetetekk.
I will be driving Veretekk to new heights with Press Releases, radio shows, SEO domination and major Internet recognition.
Thomas Prendergast
Inetekk.com, Inc. (Veretekk™)

Remeber Mike went to Antartica?
My video is done!
After this Sunday conference I will be sharing my completed video from my trip to Antartica as we celebrate breaking through to the next level for Veretekk™. So stick around if you want to see it.
Mike Darling, President
Inetekk.com, Inc.

The Flood Of Testimonials Continues...
Real People With Real Results! WOW! I'm impressed! You guys really have got it all together! Very professional! Tom Heckman President/CEO Successleadsnetwork
Madison, Ohio
Tom Heckman
OH, United States
Robert Sterling
PA, United States

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
Come Celebrate the spirit of Veretekk™!
Come see all the new upgrades and enhancements - direct from the guys at the top! To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk™ system and go to Veretraining, then just click on the Calendar and choose the Inetekk button. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.
Veretekk™ State of the System Address
Sunday, Dec 02, 2007 6pm PST
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO
Inetekk.com, Inc. (Veretekk™)
fax 806-874-0036
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