Saturday, December 22, 2007

I Don't Have Time

I Don't Have Time
I would suppose  that time is the one thing that we all battle against.  We never seem to have enough time to do the things that need to be done.  There are 24 hours in every day that we walk the planet.  Within those 24 hours, are precious reminders that we are running out of time.  We can seem to find the time to make excuses about not having enough time, but in all acutality, we really do have the time, we just don't make the time.
In dealing with all types of people on the internet, there seems to be a common thread amongst them all.  They talk about wanting to start an online business of some kind.  The spend hundreds and thousands of dollars in the pursuance of this idea, but in all actuality, have they really explored the core of the program, and are they willing to do whatever is necessary to build this business?  I would wholeheartedly answer no.  I will give you my reasons for this below.  They seem to struggle and strain with the time factor.  When I ask them this question, "so what have you done today to build your business on Google?"  Their answer is most likely, well, I really didn't have time to write the article like I know that I should have.  I really did not have time to work on learning all that I could learn about the program I am trying to promote.  I really did not have the time to learn the necessary things that I need to make money online.
Interesting points to be made here.  We all have NO time, but in fact, we have ALL the time that we need in any given day to pursue whatever we want to pursue.  How long does it really take to write a small keyword specific article about your program?  How long does it take to pull up your webpage and really dig deep into the product or service that you are promoting?  How long does it take to actually learn to become an internet professional?
The answer to these questions is simple.  It takes as long as it takes.  If you think that you don't have the time to learn, youi won't.  If you think that you don't have the time to write, you won't.  If you think that you don't have the time to become an expert in your online business, then you certainly will not have the success that you claim that you want.
Progress in any endeavor that you choose takes time to develop.  You must arrange your thinking to be in direct relation to the events to happen that you are hoping and praying for.  Hope is planning to fail.  Prayer is begging for something that you already possess.  God grants us all 24 hours in this day to do with however we want.  That is the gift.  The whole problem begins with the way that you think.  Unless you unlearn negative and self-defeating self talk, you will never experience anything but the negative.
In closing, I have developed over the years of visualizing what I consider to be the perfect prayer.  I take time to say this prayer often through the day.  Its a simple prayer, that tells exactly my thought processes at any given point in time that I choose. 
Here is my perfect prayer.  "Thank You for My Possibilities!"
Take time to develop the habit of success, not failure.  Take time to develop your business into the plan that will take you to a new level of success.  Take time to learn the specific techniques and strategies that you need to become successful with a business.  After all, you have the time.  Now, its up to you to take that time and turn into a productuve and meaningful time.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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