Sunday, December 16, 2007



In conducting an advanced seo training class for Veretekk last night, I gave people the heads up on a significant way to gain notoriety and presence on Google. Google groups, owned and operated by Google, is a powerful way to setup your own group, or post comments and articles to my group. This system works very well for search engine placement. Here is the interesting part of that webinar presentation. There were about 60 people in attendance. I was giving these people real-time insights into the art of search engine optimization and search engine marketing. My objectives in these training sessions is to assist people in the way to gain notice for their websites. How many people took advantage of this free service? Only 5 people out of the 60 people joined the group. Only 1 person actually posted an article. This is clear indication to me about the lack of motivation of people seeking to build an online business.

I see this all the time in Veretekk. I see this same thing in Jaguar Marketing. Every single time that I think that the commitment level could not get any lower, they surprise me once again. I believe that I am onto something significant here. People attend seo training classes to gain knowledge, but they are hesitant to actually put that knowledge into forceful action. Would that not be like gaining a college degree, but choosing to dig ditches for a living? I think that the total lack of non-action in the home business arena speaks loudly. People that are willing to make a commitment to become excellent writers, have success on Google. Those that choose to simply go about their business of posting to classified ad sites, posting to ffa sites, attending numerous training classes and recording the sessions but never put a plan into action, will never see any type of money gain on Google. Its becoming ever clear in my mind that the vast majority of people claiming they want success, are not willing to make a positive move in the direction of gaining that success.

What is the core meaning here? Why are people fearful of success? I think that it is directly due to the way that they think. I feel that their mindset is what is keeping them from going into action. They SAY they want some type of success in a home business, but in all actuality, their real self-talk is simply telling them that this is not real, and do not waste time in trying. After all, you have joined 30 different businesses over years, and absolutely none of them have gained you any type of money at all.

Tom Prendergast has said it better than anyone else. "We can lead you to the door of success, but you must choose to enter that door. No one can make you successful. No one can give you that burning desire. You must accomplish this yourself." I had an interesting email from a Veretekk subscriber a couple of days ago that clearly stated the whole problem. He was wondering what the most effective way to promote online. He said that he and a friend had devised an elaborate method of building many doorway pages and daisy chaining them all together. This, he felt, would lead to his success on Google. He asked my opinion of the plan. I sent him back a reply something like this. "spend your time more efficiently by writing press releases, ezine articles, blog posts and forum posts." He immediately replied, "I need more information please." OMG! How much clearer could it be than that?

This is precisely why people in Veretekk and every other system out on Google today, are not being successful. They have the most powerful lead generation system on the planet. They have the most powerful search engine training available. They have over 40 fully configurable lead capture pages to use to their advantage. But when you look at their splash pages, the title tag is Veretekk Affiliate Leads Marketing Income Technologies. This is the exact default information that comes with each Veretekk System. Do you really want success online? Do you really want to gain search engine positions on Google? Do you want to make money, generate leads, learn about leads and live life differently that you now do? I am going to share a secret with you today on how to become successful on the internet.   The continuing story goes forth.  I will keep working on my little websites, posting my little articles, knocking out top spots on Google and generally dominating the search engines with my information.  Hey, if you do not want to go through this process, give me a call.  I will do the work for you!


For more articles on the subject go to: I get down and dirty on the business of internet marketing as a whole.

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