Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Money for Nothing


Money for Nothing
The statement of the ages on Google.  Money for nothing, money for no work, money for no effort, money coming in by the bucket full's and all the other hype, lies, crap, scams and the other assorted bs that we hear every day in the world of internet marketing.  Some clown dressed in a rented Brooks Bros. suit, standing in front of a new home with his Mercedes Benz looking all professional and successful.  In reality, the guy just barely had the cab fare to get to the location of the photo shoot.  He is telling you how his latest blueprint for success has just made him $40,000 in the last 2 weeks!  The funny part of this whole messed up scenario is the fact that you fell for it.  You were sucked in like you knew that you were going to be rich in just a couple of weeks.  I can hear him now talking with his wife, "Jenny, this is the one.  This is the gig that is going to make us rich.  Please loan me the money to make this happen.  Please, trust me on this one because I have a really good feeling that this time I am going to hit it big."
Are you a moron?  Are you a total idiot?  Do you really think that there is a thing called money for nothing?  Unless you Dad gives you money, or you stand in the unemployment line, or you draw your monthly allotment for food stamps, I guess there really is money for nothing.  Money for nothing is the big lie on Google.  Money for nothing is what makes this whole game called internet marketing a lie, a scam and nothing but scam artists are out there trying to convince you to spend your money with them.  These people are like carnival barkers.  "Hey, join my latest greatest passport to wealth, fame, fortune, beautiful cars and new homes.  For the low low price today, I will teach you how to make a fortune online.  The whole process makes me sick to my stomach.  I am sick of the hype.  I am sick of looking at the most ridiculous websites that people use their feeble minds to come with in order to suck you into the game.  I am sick of mlm junkies jumping from one program to another, in search of the Holy Grail.  They spend their valuable (yeah right) time in search of that magic button where all their bills will be paid, they can build their dream home and they can now afford to eat somewhere other than Mac D's.
The whole game of internet marketing, internet marketing lies, internet marketing scams, internet marketing rip-offs and the other associated bullshit that we all see on Google every single day in our surfing is absolutely ridiculous and repulsive to me as a professional seo master.  People are moronic beings.  They can literally be led around by the nose.  They can be convinced, coerced and lied to enough that eventually, they will pull that plastic out and click the submit button just one more time, for the next big deal.  Come on!  Wake up and smell the coffee here.  Are you really sure that you can be that stupid to think that some guy in a suit is making money online?  Then why, tell me please, is no one but the owners of these programs, the only ones making money here?  In this article, I am going to cut through that bullshit, and give you the exact reason that no one makes money but the top guys in any mlm program.  I am going to be blunt and very explicit on why mlm programs, health food programs, business programs and all the other online programs fail.  There is an answer and there is an alternative to this kind of ridiculous thinking that prevails in this thing called money for nothing.
MLM Does Not Work Because:
The whole aspect of mlm is based on the pyramid theory.  You are at the top of your business.  You have joined this program under someone and now you have been issued a website with your name, your phone number, a contact form and the audio recordings from some so-called internet marketing guru, and now your job, is to tell other people why they should join your business.  Its your job to convince people that your program is somehow different.  Its not a matrix, but its a unlilevel, its a forced matrix, its a bi-matrix, its a one up, its a two up and so forth.  I don't care how you label it, you are the person responsible for convincing other moronic individuals to join your latest and greatest program for wealth and prosperity.  Here is the whole problem.
You are convincing others to become distributors.  Now notice that I said distributors, NOT customers.  They are NOT buying from you, yet they are attempting to do exactly what you are doing.  Get it?  They are NOT buying anything.  They are out there trying to convince others to do exactly what you are trying to do.  This is the breakdown.  This is why no one makes money except the system owners.  Now the work around could be that you become a business owner.  You spend the thousands and thousands of dollars to become your own gig.  Oh wait, you don't have enough money to eat.  You don't have enough money to pay the rent this month.  You don't have enough resources to go one month, much less, the money and effort that it requires to actually build a business.  Well, that pretty much let's you out of the ball game, pal.  I guess its back to the welfare department for more handouts from the Government.  This is the classic case of online marketing today.  You simply have a hodge podge of morons with credit cards, ready to jump on the next big deal in hopes that this time it will be different.  This will be the real chance that the gurus tell me is out there.  This will be the one that really will work.
You could be a moron, if you believe this stuff.  You might be a moron if you think that you are smart enough, wise enough or a good enough business man or woman who can crack the code on the internet marketing world.  You are a moron is you believe one single thing that you read on the most ridiculous websites ever devised.  You actually know that the instant before you click the I Submit button on the checkout, that you are doing the wrong thing, but yet, you go right ahead and do it all over again.
There is another alternative.  You become educated in the ways that the internet and Google operate.  You become educated in the areas of real search engine optimization, search engine marketing, building effective and search engine compatible websites, you learn to produce your own leads, your learn to build your business on rock solid Fortune 500 Companies Business Models.  You begin to assimilate knowledge.  With that knowledge, you become empowered to actually accomplish something online.  You become aware that the reason for the failure rate on Google for home business owners is that almost none of them know what the hell they are even doing.  You learn the art and science of writing press release, ezine articles, blog posts and posting your keyword specific articles to forums as well.  This builds notoriety and presence for yourself, and your online business.
You could do this by following one business model listed below.  Or, you could choose to think that you are building your business by attending hype teleconferencing calls with some jagoff telling you how much money you are going to be making in the next 30-60 or 90 days.  You have a choice.  You run with the leaders of Google, or you choose to stay within your moron mindset.  Money for nothing?  Good Luck!
Stay tuned for more insightful articles and comments concerning the Truth About Internet Marketing.  Caution, these articles can be hazardous to your mind.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-MOM, Predator and Jaguar Marketing Director
fax 806-874-0036

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