Friday, December 21, 2007



I believe that we have a winner here folks. This guy has to take the prize for the most moronic email that I have seen so far regarding leads.


Email 1billion humans targeted prospects.
Watch Your Online Profits Explode!

Our lists will send Your Profits Soaring Overnight!
Updated Email Lists
100% Double Opt-In
And 100% Legal To Use.

Within SECONDS You'll Have Your Ad
Instantly Broadcasted Across The Entire Internet!

WOW! Email 1 Billion. Yes 1 Billion people!  Totally spam free and verified. Hey Mr. or Ms. Marketer, please get a life and try to use at least some dignity and professionalism when telling people about your service. Moronic statements like the one above have no business being on the internet, but alas, as professional online business people, we have to content with this type of crap every day.

Are you ready to learn how to become a professional? Are you tired of the hype, lies, scams, bs and the other ridiculous statements about wealth in a home business? Are you ready to learn about leads, all about leads and ready to take your business to a new level of professionalism?
Would one of the Veretekk members ever stoop to these low life statements?  Huh?  I will remain quiet on that one!  You see, the fact is, just because someone is part of the Veretekk community, it does not necessarily mean that they are clear on the purpose.  If they have not taken time to go to the training...if they have not taken the time to listen and learn...and if...they are still caught in that jump on board with me mentality, there really is very little that we can do about that.

Here are some sites that are legitimate.   Here are the sites that can become your way out of the jungle of misrepresentation and hype.  Are you, like me, tired of the internet marketing rat race?  Well, you have a choice to make today.

Going to these sites will give you the necessary tools, training, insights, perspectives and will empower you with the ability to actually be well schooled in the essential arts that you need.

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