Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Looks like Google is doing a little housecleaning today on the keyword term leads. Most people become disturbed when they see their website disappear. I never do, as I see this all the time in my seo business. The key to effective promoting on Google is to keep the consistent flow of original information coming, thereby building the links that lead back to the website that you are promoting.

Leads is no exception. The flow of information into this keyword term is amazing. With over 50,000 searches done per month on that keyword terms, Google makes sure that the top sites only contain relevant information. Once you tap into the ebb and flow of this information, you begin to understand that it is completely natural for your sites to disappear from the searches for a time.




These three sites have dropped off, but not to worry, they will be back very soon. In speaking and lecturing about leads, lead generation and obtaining top spots on Google for websites, I see many changes on the net. What works today, may not work tomorrow. In fact, it may work the next day. There is absolutely no way that any person, or group of people, can predict with 100% certainty what a site will do. Anyone that makes that type of claim is simply someone out on the net trying to convince you that they have secret insider info about search engines and search engine marketing. It is not true, folks. Save your money, write your articles, keep your information flowing and stand back and obtain good search engine results.

There is something that is for sure when marketing on Google. Nothing is certain, nothing can be predicted and everything requires time to pursue. I see people struggling and straining to build a business on the internet. They think that everything happens instantly. The bottom line is that everything on Google is a slow consistent process that continually arranges and rearranges itself. You must be able to become fluid in your thinking and approach to marketing.

This is where Veretekk and Leadsomatic come into play. We teach you specific techniques and give you the education that you need to become effective with your online business. We cannot teach you patience and determination. You must bring those to this table yourself.



There is an art and science to lead generation and search engine optimization. Most do not have the patience and determination to accomplish this. For more articles concerning leads. about leads, lead generation and search engine optimization, visit this link: http://adsubmit.net/search.php?search_author=butchhamilton Here you will find out all that you need to know about this mystery called internet marketing.

By the way, would you like to know exactly what I think about the whole process of marketing online? Visit:
http://askbutchhamilton.org My comments and articles may just surprise and inform you. It may even allow you to see why you have not yet begun to see the success that you hope for.  You will see that getting down to the core of marketing online is essential if you are going to succeed.

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