Build Your Virtual Office and create a nice Secondary living at the Same Time!
After Eight Years...The Final Touches....We did it totally backwards from the standard procedures! We have been building this system since 1996. Veretekk has been a gargantuan undertaking, but it was worth it! We could have made it an opportunity when we started, but we didn't feel that was honest. How many times have you joined an opportunity only to hear the typical BS that the services will be launched next month or get in at the top before we launch the great service we are promising? We could list the companies but that would take to much band width. LOL! Our virtual office technique is unique in the world of home business. Butch Hamilton, noted seo master, and Dr. Raymond Jewewll, esteemed economic advisor have teamed together to form the perfect mix of talent and expertise in search engines and finances. The virtual office is more than a plan. Its time has come.
Serious Living
So do you want to make some serious living and at the same time seriously and successfully promote your other opportunity(s)?y If your answer is yes, please read on. The compensation plan is real easy to explain and to understand. Basically we pay out 90% of the setup fee and 50% of the monthly subscription fee.
10 x 10 x 10 Unilevel example...
You join as a Veretekk Silver subscriber. Silver only pays on one level:
Level one:
Online International Payment...
When you receive your first payment email alert from Veretekk you go to Paystone and setup your account. It is so wonderfully simple! Once you setup your account, Veretekk transfers your commissions into your Paystone account. From your Paystone account you can choose an International Visa debit card or transfer the funds into your banking account or have then mail you your check. Paystone is in place and recognizes most countries in the world. It is that simple. By the way, it took us two days to build the compensation technology and eight years to build Veretekk! What does that tell you about those other opportunities out their that launch the infamous pre launch and pay out but never deliver the promise? Think about it. See you at the bank! Oh yea, you are not alone with Veretekk!
Try Veretekk absolutely free! See it in action first, then decide if you want to upgrade.
Fill out the simple form.That's it! It is free to join and you can even build a great living with the free system. By the way, the free system really is free and for life! What do you have to lose? Its time to become part of the SOHO revolution across the globe. Its time to take the internet away from the scammers and schemers. This is the first step towards better business on Google! Aren't you ready for a change?
With great enthusiasm,
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master and Dr. Raymond Jewell-Economic Advisor
Copyright © 2005 Inetekk.com, Inc.
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