Sunday, February 10, 2008

Virtual Office: Partner Development Program adds Co-op.

Virtual Office: Partner Development Program adds Co-op.
The Virtual Office "Partner Development Program" has added to its tool kit the Phase IV Marketing Co-op to provide leads for their clients who go through the program. The Co-op is another source of getting leads to a newly structured business that resulted from the "Partner Development Program". This lead source is the brain child of Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and Me [Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor] to answer the call from clients about getting leads for a newly formed SOHO [Small Office/Home Office] business. The Co-op works to drive leads and interested people to the business website thru SEO activities on other pages.
The Phase IV Marketing Co-op is where all the SEO [Search Engine Optimization] is done on one major page with a button for all interested people to click and get more information. Everyone in the Co-op is put on a rotator so when the button is pushed a different website comes up in the rotation. This may sound easy but the real power is in the SEO activities that go on behind the scene. Mr. Butch Hamilton is an SEO Master and has a global presence on the internet with many positions that he has held at the top of the search engines. [Google his name and see the different positions he holds.]
The status of Mr. Hamilton is important since he is using his skills to optimize and drive the main website to the top of the search engines. When people come to the website, which they do, and click thru for more information everyone in the Co-op benefits. This way everyone is getting massive SEO efforts without paying for the full package. To get an SEO Package would cost tens of thousands of dollars, but now through the power of the Phase IV Marketing Co-op you can get the same effort without the expense. The real secret is the power of SEO and Mr. Hamilton's skills to drive the website to the top of Google and other search engines.
If you would like to see the Co-op in action click on the link or button [ ] below as many times as you like and notice that a different website comes up every time.
SEO Services by Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
As a partner [We refer to all clients as Partners] with Virtual Office and the 'Partner Development Program" the Co-op becomes a major player in the lead generation process of developing their SOHO business. This system when coupled with an over all SEM [Search Engine Marketing] program will make prospecting an easy task with the assurance of providing leads to the sales people, selling for the newly developed business.
Even though we have put this Co-op into the "Partner Development Program" as a business planning tool we do offer it to the public. You can use this by becoming a member of the Co-op and giving us your URL which we will put into the Phase IV Marketing Co-op and then your website will come up in the depending on which level you subscribe. There are different positions that you can get in the Co-op and if you want to learn more about the Phase IV Marketing Co-op please click the link [ ]  or button below.
SEO Services by Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
You will be able to learn how you can capitalize on Mr. Hamilton's expertise. It's kind of like paying for a full blown SEO campaign for a fraction of the cost. Also if you want to come to a free Virtual Office International Seminar with people from all over the world go to and sign up. The spaces are limited so act now. We will talk about International Marketing, and how to set up your very own Virtual Office. You will hear from Butch Hamilton about SEO and how to drive your website to the top of the search engines. In addition to Butch and I speaking you will also have speakers from all over the world talking about marketing on the internet. It is an all day affair in Mid March and running every month, indefinitely. So sign up ASAP places are going fast!
Thanks for reading,

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