Monday, February 11, 2008

Virtual Office: Begging an SEO Giant

Virtual Office: Begging an SEO Giant!
Virtual Office put the challange to Mr. Butch Hamilton, Global SEO Master, to put his resources into a full blown SEO campaign for one website, allowing members of the Virtual Office Phase IV Marketing Co-Op to benefit. He reluctantly agreed after he heard how it was going to work. Remember Mr. Hamilton gets huge dollars for his SEO work so to get him to agree to do the same thing based on a Co-Op was difficult. We will also capitalize on his already high positions in the search engines.
Here is how it works! Every member, of the Co-Op website is loaded into a data base and stored. Mr. Hamilton goes to work and begins his magic driving a new website to the top of the search engines. He uses all his tricks of his trade to gain high positions in Google and many other search engines. As the Website rises to the top people who have an interest in the information promoted on the site will have a button to click to get more information, just as they normally do now. When they click the button the machine searches the data base of the Co-Op and pulls the site of the member who is next in the data base and loads it into the browser. The reader then reads the information and clicks on other pages that they might have interest in and signs up for the offer. The reader thinks that the Co-Op member site is part of the site they are visiting and starting with.
So imagine you have deciede to become a member of the Virtual Office Phase IV Marketing Co-Op, and you purchase a certian amount of units [Each unit gives you that many exposures int the data base.]. Your website is put into a data base along with other members of the Co-Op so when the website that Butch Hamilton is working catches the eye of the person looking for information they stop to read it. They are prompted to click the button for more. By they way the button is the only one on the page, so that it is the readers only choice, then they click. The data base is alerted and pick a member and automaticly place their website in the selection in the data base and then that website comes up as if it were intended to anytime the reader clicks. The reader thinks that your site is the only part of the page they are reading. The reader continues to read and click through the site as they normally would, following thru with opting for your offer. You have accomplished your goal of getting people to your website in the most efficient, and less expensive way possible. All based on Butch Hamiltons efforts.
What power! You get a Search Engine Optimization Master to do work for you for a fraction of the cost. As he drives the one website to the top of the search engines he also uses his already positioned websites to capture interest in your site. Through the Co-Op you are getting results by letting the power of the group pay for the SEO work. The results are the same if you were to employ Butch alone, or through the group. The power of this Co-Op is Mr. Hamilton's ability to get top positions in the search engines. Check him out, Google his name and see how many places he holds on Google alone. As a matter of fact if anyone tells you they are a master at anything Google them and see if they really are. I do it all the time when people try to sell me stuff. I assure Butch is the real deal!
If you want to see the Co-Op work check out a sample data base that has been created for you to see how it works. Just think you came to the Co-Op through this article but there are many ways that people get to these websites. So when you click through just realize how you got to this button. We have many ways to get people to click on your information as we put together a marketing campaign for the total members in a particular Co-Op. We run many Co-Op's as we get people who purchase units into them. We don't want to many people in a particular Co-Op because we want you to get the maximum amount of exposure. Go ahead and click this button below as many times as you want and see the different sites come up out of the data base. [Again we don't want to use real members since we want every click thru to our members to not be rapid but with singular interest.] [ ]
SEO Services by Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
If you are looking for leads and to get exposure for your website then you want to use the Virtual Office Phase IV Marketing Co-Op since it is the only one [That we know of.] that is backed by the power of an SEO Master who does this for a living. There are some people who advertise hits etc, but all they are doing is taking your money and buying Pay per click or other silly marketing nonsense. We put real live SEO horsepower behind every program to get you lasting exposure. We all know that Pay-per-Click's and other programs that cause you to spend money, don't give results except get you lots of phone calls and emails from other people, reverse marketing you, selling you their programs.
The exposure you get from the Virtual Office Phase IV Co-Op is real and lasting. What do I mean by that? When people are searching for a particular product or service, and they make the effort to go to Google, for example, and type into the search box for that specific item they are sure of what they want. They are not surfing! So they get a top selection in google and start looking at the pages. They then click the button for more information and your website comes up. The people did not go to pay per clicks or any other mechansim to get information they seached the search engine. These people have a better chance of resulting in sales than anyother mechanism. If you would like to go right to the Co-Op page click this button. [ ]
Phase IV Marketing SEO Co-Op
Sales conversion is really what everything is all about and the only real way to convert people to sales is to give them what they want. You will never get a lasting sale when someone is surfing but if they are specifically looking for what you have then Voila, you have real interest. With the economies around the globe in a state of flux you want to maximize your dollare efforts and throught he Co-Op we have done that for you. Click on the botton above and go read the Co-Op sales page.
By the way for reading this information I want to give you a free gift. We are running a Virtual Office International Seminar, every month, where we bring in speakers into a huge Virtual Meeting room and talk about marketing ideas and how to build sales on the internet. These Seminars are global where you will be sitting at your computer with other people from all around the world all listening to the same information. We are changing the way communications is done on the internet. If you want to participate in this Extravanganza event go to and sign up. Spaces are limited to grab your space ASAP. Our speakers will be from all over the world along with Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and I [Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor]. Don't miss it!
Thanks for reading,

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