Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Virtual Office: Get Leads Thru SEO [Search Engine Optimization] Efforts of a Global Master...

Virtual Office: Get Leads Thru SEO [Search Engine Optimization] Efforts of a Global Master...
How would you like to get leads for you business using the efforts of an SEO Master without the cost?
Now you can get SEO efforts for pennies a day. Through Virtual Office Phase IV Marketing Co-Op http://coop.virtual100.com you can now get the Search Engine Optimization lead generation efforts as if you were paying a SEO expert to personally work for you. When you hire a SEO Master, to get your website to the top of the search engines, they drive your website to the top of the search engines using their skills that they have developed over time. These skills are not cheap therefore unless you have good cash flow or resources you are relegated to other less expensive resources. When you go to Pay-Per-Clicks and other supposedly lead generation techniques you are simply one of many others trying the same inexpensive tactics.
If taking the less expensive approach worked the major players on the internet would do them. Instead they hire an SEO Master to drive their sites to the top of the search engines and keep them there. These methods are expensive and unafordable so the SOHO [Small Office/Home Office] business goes the least effective way, and then wonders why they get no leads and spend lots of money.
No longer do you have to do this! The Virtual Office Phase IV Marketing Co-Op has teamed up with Mr. Butch Hamilton, Global SEO Master to utilize his skills in getting the Co-Op sites to the top of the search engines. If you were to purchase Mr. Hamilton's services you would pay $12,500 for a six month SEO campaign. Yes it's a lot of money! [Check out Mr. Hamilton's positions by Googling his name and see all of his positions he holds.]  As a member of the Co-Op you will get this value for pennies. Here is how it works. Butch takes one website and optimizes it and drives it to the top of the search engines. The website has imbeded in it a click thru button that people click to get more information about what is being promoted. When the people click the button and your website has risen to the top of the Co-Op database, then they see your website. Your website is where they click too and then read and act on your information. Depending on the amount of units you purchase will determin the amount of times you rise to the top of the database.
We load your website URL into our data base and along with others in the Co-Op you recieve exposure for the efforts of Mr. Hamilton. He spends his time promoting the one website which is really one page that promotes your business. Each member in a specific database has a common service or product so you are only in a database with people who are promoting like products. Your position in the database can be purchased by units but you are limited to a maximum of twenty units. This is done to make sure that fairness between everyone is perserved.
If you would like to learn more go to http://coop.virtual100.com and check out the sample database. Everytime you click a different site comes up. This is how your website will work so when they click on the button for more information your site comes up. Just as the sample button that you click on. This system will generate amazing leads with people coming to your site that actually have a desire for your information. This process eliminates people just surfing and spending your money on pay-per-clicks that mean nothing. It also eliminates people reverse marketing to you. Control your spending, don't let others do it for you.
Becoming part of the Co-Op will build your business.

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