Sunday, February 3, 2008

MLM Junkies

MLM Junkies
The typical MLM Junkie is simply a person who joins every online business, hoping and praying that this one will be the magic button that takes away all their financial woes and enables them to quit their miserable day job.  They tend to look at the internet as nothing more than playing the lottery.  You simply put in your quarter, or thousands of dollars, and sooner or later, you will hit the big payout.  MLM companies thrive on this type of person for they know that they will NOT do their due diligence in researching to see if the business is viable.  They will NOT be concerned at all if that business provides any type of mentoring or training.  They will NOT be committed to anything but chasing the all mighty dollar.
The MLM junkie of today has joined many businesses over the years.  They have spent thousands and thousands of dollars on websites that use the all popular drawing the attention mentality.  They have fallen for every line in the book by some so-called network marketing guru.  This man or woman has told them of all the potential and the big dollars that they too will get, just be following what they say to do.  In other words, these people are preaching duplication.  Some guy, and this could possibly be a guy sitting in a mobile home in the middle of Mississippi in his boxers, has told them that he is making $40 thousand a week just by selling the latest widget.  They have fallen for that carnival like barking routine, whereby this person is like the mid-way walker at the county fair, and being yelled at "only a quarter for three chances at the bottles!"  Oh yes, they have fallen for the popular jump on board routine that runs rampant across Google these days.
The modern day MLM Junkie can be young or old.  They can be illiterate or educated.  They can be low income, or in the upper income range of society.  They can be your friend, or your next door neighbor, or the guy at the local grocery market.  These people have a basic need to prove to others, and to themselves that the internet is something where you can get rich quick, and with little or no effort involved.  These people have jumped on board, been on the pre-launch of the latest and greatest, been first on the power team, been introduced to the super-networking plan of the ages and believed all the bullshit that is associated with network and internet marketing.  They have been told the stories about people earning tens of thousands of dollars with NO effort.  They have been told all the lies, the hype, the schemes and the scams and have been landed like a big old catfish at the local pond.  These people have been reeled in by the best and the worst of them all.
MLM Junkies always start out the same way.  Either their friend or neighbor or their relation calls them up and tells them that this brand new and innovative way of marketing online is destined to make them thousands, or tens of thousands of dollars with no work.  They have all not checked into the policies and procedures of the mlm company, but rather have clicked the "I Submit" button before doing any type of research at all.  MLM Junkies have a tendency to flock to the newest and grandest pre-launch bullshit program.  They are reading and seeing on the net, or even on TV, via infomercials, that this really is the real deal this time.  They are always so excited to become part of the growing multitudes who are flocking into this business, until they come to the realization, just a few weeks from now, that it has all been a conceived trick to get yet more of their hard earned money.  Some good old boy in Montana has just put a piece of the internet pie in his pocket over these thousands of people.  This good old boy, who is concerned with you before you join, will somehow magically disappear after he has stolen your money, pride, dignify and any sort of self-worth and motivation that you have had to this point, just to put some cash in his bank.
The 12 Step Plan for Recovering MLM Junkies
So now we get to the purpose of this article about MLM Junkies.  Its time for the recovery phase.  Its time to realize that people on the internet can be liars and scam artists.  Its time to arm yourself against these type of programs so that you may become involved with companies that are stable and reliable.  Its time to realize that internet education is the FIRST STEP that you must accomplish BEFORE you become involved with any online project or business.
1.  Due Diligence  You must first research these latest and greatest programs out on the internet to see if they are valid.  You must accomplish this by typing the name of the company in a Google search, and see what comes up.  You must find the policies and procedures of these businesses BEFORE joining them.  If they are real, all this information will be provided on the home page.
2.  Internet Education You must find an internet organization that will arm you against all the hype, scams and lies found on the net.  You must find this type of organization and be willing to become educated in the systems and strategies that will make you stronger and wiser and will give the resources needed to succeed online.
3.  Never Fall for the Lies  If you hear statements about an online business that are unrealistic in your heart of hearts, realize that this is your common sense at work.  Never fall for someone saying that they are making tens of thousands of dollars per week for no work involved.  Internet marketing is a full time job.  Treat it as such, and you may have a shot at success.
4.  Never Fall for Flashy and Appealing Websites  Anyone who knows anything at all about true internet marketing knows full well that flashy and misrepresenting websites that tell of something new and different are nothing more than lies.  Anyone having such a site, will turn out to be nothing but a scam.  A true professional website has an article, or articles that talk about specific techniques and benefits.  These type of sites are real and intended to be a gateway to more information.
5.  Never Fall for Screen Shots of Bank Accounts  I am sure that you have seen these websites with all of these bank deposits on them.  You are being told that these are actual deposits coming into my bank everyday!  Get a life!  Who would put that information out to the world with all the hackers and scammers?  No one real would ever do this in order to make a sale.
6.  Never Fall for the Product   By this, I mean that if this is the greatest vitamin or jungle juice on the planet, would it not make perfect sense that it would be on every shelf of every major health food store across America?  Would it not have made it into Wal-Mart or GNC?  Think about this for just a moment.  If it is such a viable and secret source of wealth and income, would everyone not know about it already?
7.  Never Fall for the Term Network Marketing Guru  This is another statement intended to make you think that this man or woman is something extraordinary and has special powers to draw tens of thousands of people into online businesses just by waving their magic wands.  THEY ARE LIARS!  As a matter of fact, some of the biggest known people on the net today in the network marketing industry, only tell stories of building a list.  This is a statement of fact guys.  There are very FEW., IF ANY, of these people that are super anything, except super liars.  I know this to be a fact.  I have done the research.  I have been involved with these types of people for years.  They will lie, cheat, steal, scam, convince and coerce you into nearly anything, just to get your money.  Once they have accomplished this is Sayonara Baby!
8.  Never Join a Business on Google by Listening to Someone Telling You How Good It Is!  Find out information on the search engines.  Do your research by talking with others.  Call the owners of the business.  If they are real, they will be more than willing to speak with you about their particular business.  If they remain in secret hiding, and totally unreachable, guess who is not going to get their money back when the business goes south?  YOU!
9.  Never Join an Online Business that Revolves Around eBooks or Downloads.  These types of online businesses thrive on people's ignorance.  Are you aware that almost all eBooks and software downloads are available for absolutely FREE, if you know where to look?
10.  Social Networking  In my professional opinion, social networking is one of the worst ways to try to market your business.  There is one company in particular that I joined early on in order to get my information out there.  This is a widely recognized so-called business networking community.  Would you like to know what I got in return for joining their business at the paid level.  How about tens of thousands of emails per day by people trying to promote their business.  Get it?  Social networking is all the same.  Its a group of people trying to make you feel warm and fuzzy so that they can market their bullshit to you.
11.  Never Join an Online Company that Tell You They Will Do The Work For You.  There is not one online business today that is real that will do anything for you except to take your money.  They will not help you build your business.  They will  tell you they will, but you must become committed to the fact of becoming an online business professional.  No business will every build a business for you.  Its up to you to build your business.
12.  You Must Develop a Business Plan.  There is one given in building a business online.  If you fail to plan, then you will plan to fail.  Without a strategic business plan, and the commitment to follow through on that business plan, you will never accomplish anything at all on the internet.  You must develop substantial work habits and be prepared to do more than anyone else will do, in order to succeed online.
Ok MLM Junkies, there is my 12 step plan for recovering internet addicts.  You can choose to become associated with real businesses online, or you can simply join every new gig that comes along hoping and praying for the opportunity that will make you rich.  Hope is planning to fail and prayer is asking for something that is already available.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Constuction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours:  M-F 9-6 CST

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