Friday, June 20, 2008

The Time is NOW to Start A Business

The Time is NOW to Start A Business    

The new home based business market is wide open. There has never been a better time in history to begin a lucrative and sustaining home business that will last a lifetime.
United States of America (Press Release) June 20, 2008
Probably the greatest business opportunity in the last 200 years exists right in our own back yards. Home-based businesses:
they're creating a quiet revolution all over the world. Last year alone, almost three million people in the U.S. started home-based businesses. And those numbers are growing. Government and university-based research show a 20% annual growth rate.
It's a quiet revolution that doesn't scream at consumers from billboards, magazine ads, or TV commercials. It's a return to individual effort generated by monumental changes in the way we work and the rewards we get for our work.
Why the revolution? Massive corporate downsizing and restructuring. An average decline of 12% in wages since 1979 compared with an average 24% increase in corporate profits. Early retirement, job burnout, a desire to be the boss, a need for new challenges, no opportunities for advancement, a need for financial security, disabilities that preclude traditional jobs, child- or adult- care issues, an expanding work force and a contracting job market, multiplied responsibilities for fewer workers, longer work days, and insufficient retirement income. The bond of trust connecting employer/employee has been broken, and it's changing the whole work climate.
Add to that the shift in the economy from an industry to an information/service base; the waves of women entering the work force, the trend toward cocooning — staying at home for safety and convenience; health and environmental concerns; technology that makes a home office realistic; the increasing number of dual earner and single-parent families with little time and specific needs; and an entrepreneurial surge in Europe and Asia which looks to America for direction.
Forecasters predict startling changes in the next few years. In addition to the 50 million Americans working in home-based businesses, it's anticipated that 10% of the entire Canadian population will be working from their homes.
The view that fairness has disappeared from the workplace is one reason that few college graduates are joining large companies after graduation. Instead they're establishing their own businesses because corporate America no longer seems attractive.
What does all this mean to you? It means that entrepreneurship is emerging as a legitimate career choice, that there's no better time than now to start your own home-based business. This Renaissance of American commerce is sharply focused on the advantages of working for yourself, whether you originate a business, buy a franchise, or build a network within a direct marketing company

For more information:

Finding the perfect home business is the key to success on Google.

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