Tuesday, June 24, 2008

ItsGoodBusiness.net Members Set The Pace

ItsGoodBusiness.net Members Set The Pace 
ItsGoodBusiness.net is not about who can make the most money the fastest, unlike a lot of MLM new start-up companies that promote fast start bonuses. Too many times hot shot promoters cash in on the novice leaving them behind with a bad taste for the industry. Not to mention no up line support. This type of business practice along with all the hype is what gives the MLM industry bad reviews.
ItsGoodBusiness.net creator and CEO of Inetekk Tom Predergast tells all guests that ItsGoodBusiness.net is not a get rich quick business it is a get rich slow business. Tom Prendergast explains how buying customers not leads will produce a long term residual income.
ItsGoodBusiness.net members understand that they are laying the foundation for massive growth over the next five years. While recognizing that they are not in a race, ItsGoodBusiness.net members are working together as if they were on a relay team.
The concept that ItsGoodBusiness.net creator Tom Prendergast has out lined consists of ItsGoodBusiness.net members passing the baton to new ItsGoodBusiness.net members as they complete their training. This kind of mentoring is and will continue to keep the momentum headed towards the finish line.
If you feel like you have lost the race we encourage you to not give up and take a serious look at what ItsGoodBusiness.net has to offer. Most of ItsGoodBusiness.net members have been where you are,but now they have hope backed by their desire to win.
This entire business is geared to simply buying customers not leads to build your business.
To get all the details come to a presentation in our state of the art web conference room on Saturday at 1:00 PM Pacific standard time and learn how you can benefit from our SEO knowledge.
You will NOT be sold anything here, you will only receive information.
Building residual income with ItsGoodBusiness.net and real live customers.

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