Saturday, May 31, 2008

Why Are You Buying Sales Leads When All You Want Is Customers?

Why Are You Buying Sales Leads When All You Want Is Customers?
All you want is customers so why are you buying leads? I bet you ask yourself that question every time you sit down to write another check for a sales lead order. Even a simple work at home business opportunity needs sales leads,but now there is a better way. Buy your customers instead of wasting your hard earned dollars on trying to gather a hugh lists of names and addresses of questionable leads hoping to salvage a few potential buyers.
I just read in a recent study that email lead response rates are between 1-2% so for every 1000 people that you send an email you may hear something from 10-20 sales leads who "might" be interested in your service or product. Not exactly great odds if you are trying to build a business. More than likely you will get 4-500 responses from other marketers autoresponders trying to market you with the hope that you may be interested in their goods and services. If you are buying these kinds of leads you are buying a 'shot in the dark' and it can still cost you about $50.00 per month.
Next is the so called 'verified sales lead'. These leads can cost upwards of $10 each and contrary to the claim 'verified' may not be what you think is verified. How many of those kind of maybe a sales lead or maybe not a sales lead can your already tightly stretched budget hold? If I could show you a way to bypass the lead process and get right to the customer, would you be interested? Of course you would. In the beginning I was like you, spending a lot of money on purchasing leads, sometimes as much as my car or mortgage payment.
I don't know why I didn't see it before. It was right in front of my eyes after all it fits everything that we look for in a good business. It is in one of the best affiliate markets, it is a simple work at home opportunity with some terrific bonuses such as a cooperative business plan. That means that they do the lead generation by conducting mass media advertising campaigns and then sell the paying 'customers' directly to you. Note that I did not say sales leads but rather actual 'customers' that are already buying your products and are yours for as long as you remain with the company.
The amazing part is that you are actually building a real customer base for about the same as you are currently spending on 'shot in the dark' sales leads which carry little or no income potential. Imagine directly building a customer base where you are not only building a steady stream of income but also a healthy residual income as well.
I have actually seen cases where this type of business begins to self produce customers (people who buy) passively. In review I am sure that you will agree that buying customers makes more than good sense..... It's good business.
To attend a free live presentation of this outstanding business model visit

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