Saturday, May 31, 2008

Baby Boomers Create Passive Income By Buying Customers

Baby Boomers Create Passive Income By Buying Customers
Thanks to some creative thinking virtually anyone including the fast growing number of baby boomers can create passive income to increase their wealth and add value to their retirement portfolio. Let's be direct, it is no secret that social security isn't so secure. The social security system was created as a safety net and that net has a huge hole. People are finding out that even when you spend your life working for XYZ company that your pension/retirement may be worth a whole lot less than you were counting on when it comes time to put it to use.
American companies are cutting benefits and reducing contributions. I know of once such company who closed their U.S. operations and left 20 and 30 year employees retiring on less than 30% of what their retirement should have been worth. Shocking but true, this is not a new story but this is a story gaining more and more attention as the baby boomers come closer to retirement age. As much has society has been conditioned to expect an entitled way of life there are no entitlements. My friend Lester spent 30 years working for a single company. His monthly retirement check for his 30 years of service is $30.00.
His reality is that he is working long after retirement age and he is not alone. Many people are working secondary jobs to supplement whatever they receive for their retirement income. Many
people are turning to the internet for an answer only to find that there is a high failure rate in the internet business for several reasons one of which is because it has been a distributor based marketplace with no real customers.
Marketers marketing to other marketers who jump from company to company looking for the next get rich fix that never really works has been the name of that game up until now. Enter Thomas Prendergast CEO, Inetekk and Founder of Veretekk known for his belief in helping the 'average guy' like you and I become more successful working from home online. In a recent interview Prendergast spoke about how most online businesses use the distributor model and although it may grow for awhile that it stumbles and fails in the long run.
People are fed up with investing in an online business where there is no real way to build a viable customer base and end up spending thousands of dollars on stale leads that have been sold over and over again so that by the time that you receive them they are worthless. Wouldn't you rather invest your your time, effort and hard in dollars in customers who are already familiar with your company and already buying and using your products? Imagine no recruiting, no selling and no rejection while building a passive stream of income.
If that sounds like a dream... Wipe the sleep bugs out of your eyes..... it isn't, Its good business.

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