Sunday, January 20, 2008

Virtual Office: Funnel Approach to Leads, Revised

Virtual Office: Funnel Approach to Leads, Revised


If you are serious about getting leads than you should try the Virtual Office Funnel Approach. This works in a very simple way. First you set up a Virtual Office and make sure that you fully understand how your Virtual Office works. Then you decide on a campaign that you want to use. What I mean by campaign is what do you want to sell? What are you marketing? So decide on a campaign and then make sure that you are clear as to the flow of the campaign. Draw a schematic of your campaign on paper and make sure that the flow is seamless.


Next set up lead capture pages through out the internet with a good autoresponder. Make sure that the autoresponder letters are well written and flow in a series, so when the people sign up they will get the emails in the series. Make sure that you email series have several tasks for the recipients to follow. Prepare them for what you are offering. Don't just let them receive your autoresponder emails without having some sort of project to follow. Always have an end result that people can see and want.


As you get sign ups and they begin to receive your emails have a "Pot of Gold" at the end of the rainbow. Make sure that there is something worth while that everyone will want and get. Have a product or service that they will receive. Remember you are moving people down a funnel to the end result. But while they are moving down the funnel they must continue to have the desire to do so.


Once you get your sign up leads give them lots of attention. Give them service like they have never seen before. Don't just let them hang like most people do. Many times when people get leads they don't follow through. Don't be guilty of that!


Lead Capture Pages


As far as lead capture pages go make many of them because you want them to become seasoned in the search engines. You want your lead campaign to be one that runs on autopilot. As many leads capture pages as you can put into the internet will give you a better presence on the internet! Then follow through with an article to your blog per day about your lead capture pages. This will enhance your lead capture pages and cause your information to the top of the search engines. Remember you want to have your lead capture pages to run for years. Your lead capture campaign must be a long term focus and continue for the long term. As time goes on your leads will continue to increase so your business or what you are getting leads for must be a long term proposition.


Don't expect your campaign to take off over night, it's like any marketing plan the longer it runs the more seasoned it will get. The marketing of your product almost becomes second to the marketing of your lead capture pages. Just look at it like fishing, the more fishing hooks you can get out into the internet the more people will sign up for you lead campaign. One of the best ways to see how this works is to sign up for the Virtual Office International Symposium below and follow the strategies that we have set up.


Virtual Office Solution


I realize that this article is a little vague but the creativity is up to you. You are the one that understands your business and how to position it in the marketplace. But if you want to learn how to do this step by step, than there is a solution.


Mr. Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and I [Dr. Raymond Jewell, Economic Advisor] have put together the Virtual Office International Symposium that will teach you how to do all this and more for free. We will have guest speakers that are experts in marketing and how to get presence on the internet. You will learn how to get leads by using Virtual Office in a very unique way.


All you have to do is sign up and come to the Symposium where you will participate with people from all over the world in this ground breaking event. You will be seated at your computer but will be watching with people from all parts of the world. This in an international symposium and will teach you how to market globally. You will learn how to get leads like never before. If you are interested go to and sign up at the bottom of the page. You will also learn about Virtual Office and how your business can compete Globally with ease.


Dr. Raymond Jewell


Butch Hamilton-SEO Master


Raymond Jewell PhD
Skype: rbjewell

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