Friday, January 25, 2008

Berry GOJI

Berry Goji
In this website, this is going to be primarily an informational site geared to tell you all about GOJI, Berry Goji, Himalayan Goji Juice, Goji Berries, Goji 100, Goji Health Benefits and the benefits of Goji Juice.  Our friends at FreeLifeInternational, do not allow distributors to make unsubstantiated health claims.  So, in that interest, you will NOT be advertised to in any way about Goji.  You will only be given pertineent Goji information and from there, you will decide exactly what to do with this information.
Pertinent Berry Goji information is necessary in order for you to decide if, in fact, Goji Juice is right for you.  I can speak from personal experience, drinking Goji Juice from FreeLife International makes perfect sense for me.  I choose to take Goji Juice on a regular basis and I would recommend the Himalayan Goji Juice to anyone looking to make positive changes in their lifestyle.  Hey, all you have to do here, is to pick up that phone and call me...anytime.  I will tell you my straight up opinion about Goji Juice.

Len Zakula-The Goji Guy  (Be sure to check me out on Google!)
Independent Marketing Exec. 



When you search Goji on Google, and also Berry Goji as well, you will see many people trying to sell Goji.  They use all kinds of websites.  Most are trying to capture your attention with flash, and maybe even some misrepresentations about Goji and Berry Goji Juice.  This site will NOT approach Goji in that fashion at all.  Pure Goji facts and information will be given here by Lennie Zakula, The Goji Guy.
Goji on Wikipedia
You may or may not be aware of this, but Wikipedia is a fantastic Google resource where you can learn all types of interesting facts.  Wikipedia, as this website, is designed to do exactly the same thing.  Below, you will find information concerning Goji, Berry Goji, Goji Berries and other noteworthy elements concerning Goji Juice.
Wolfberry is also another name for the western snowberry, Symphoricarpos occidentalis.
Lycium barbarum fruits
Lycium barbarum fruits
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Solanales
Family: Solanaceae
Genus: Lycium
  • Lycium barbarum L.
  • Lycium chinense Mill.
  • Lycium halimifolium Mill. (synonym for L. barbarum)
  • Lycium ovatum Loisel. (synonym for L. chinense Mill. var. chinense
  • Lycium turbinatum Veill. or Loisel. (synonym for L. barbarum)
  • Lycium vulgare Dunal (synonym for L. barbarum)

Wolfberry is the common name for the fruit of two very closely related species: Lycium barbarum (Chinese: 寧夏枸杞; pinyin: Níngxià gǒuqǐ) and L. chinense (Chinese: ; pinyin: gǒuqǐ), two species of boxthorn in the family Solanaceae (which also includes the potato, tomato, eggplant, deadly nightshade, chili pepper, and tobacco). Although its original habitat is obscure (probably southeastern Europe to southwest Asia), wolfberry species currently grow in many world regions[1]. Only in China, however, is there significant commercial cultivation.


According to the United States Department of Agriculture Germplasm Resources Information Network[2], it is also known as Chinese wolfberry, goji berry, barbary matrimony vine, bocksdorn, Duke of Argyll's tea tree,[3] or matrimony vine.[4] Unrelated to the plant's geographic origin, the names Tibetan goji and Himalayan goji are in common use[5] in the health food market for products from this plant.


You see, in technical terms, Goji comes from the Tibetan Mountain range.  Oh sure, there are other Goji Juices on the market, but only Himalayan Goji is the true Goji and can only be found through distributors in FreeLife International.  You can purchase Goji Berries from many sources, but keep in mind, Dr. Mindell, the creator of  Himalayan Goji Juice, is the purest and most natural form of Goji Juice found on the planet.




Goji Is Highly Prized in Asia


Renowned in Asia as a highly nutritious food, wolfberries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for about 1,900 years (Gross et al., 2006). Their undocumented legend, however, is considerably older, as wolfberries are often linked in Chinese lore to Shen Nung (Shennong), China's legendary First Emperor, mythical father of agriculture, and herbalist who lived circa 2,800 BC.


Since the early 21st century in the United States and other such developed countries, there has been rapidly growing recognition of wolfberries for their nutrient richness and antioxidant qualities, leading to a profusion of consumer products. Such rapid commercial development extends from wolfberry having a high ranking among "superfruits"[6] expected to be part of a billion dollar market by 2011[7][8].


You will understand that the ancient Chinese practioners used ground Goji Berries to make different substances known to enhance the body.  You will also note that Goji Juice, is still highly prized within the Asian Community.  These highly intelligent people know that herbs and herbal medicines can be an effective treatment for all types of maladies.  In this country, we are still working the FDA and their attitudes towards natural medicines.  It would seem to me that if the major drug companies cannot get a piece of the money pie, they will not recognize a beneficial product like Goji for any reason at all.  Sorry, I really did not mean to get on my soap box here about the medicat community.  Since this is my website, I will make comments that are solely based on my personal opinion.




Berry Goji from FreeLife International


Let's go into some of the keypoints concerning Goji. 


  I haven't even begun to tell you all the clinically proven health benefits behind the Goji berry. Let's begin with one of the most powerful gifts this berry brings to us ...the gift of long life.

"One legend in Asia tells of the extraordinary life of a Chinese man named Li Qing Yuen who was born in 1678 and died in 1930. He lived 252 years! What was the secret to his long, happy, active life? It was daily consumption of a 'soup' made of the goji berry, existing only in the remotest regions of western Asia."

Under the microscope, goji has revealed itself to be one of the most nutritionally-dense foods on earth. Recent scientific studies authenticated and published in the following journals have validated why the ancients treasured goji:

  • Journal of Chinese Herbal Medicine
  • Journal of Ethmopharmacology
  • China Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Chinese Herb News Magazine
  • Research Communications Molecular Pathology and Pharmacology
  • Chinese Patent Herbs
  • Chinese Herbs
  • Nature Reviews Drug Discovery
  • Chinese Oncology Magazine
  • Hygiene Research
  • Physiology Academic Journal
  • Chinese Stomatology Magazine
  • And many more!

Working together, FreeLife and Dr. Earl Mindell have been pioneers in the research of goji polysaccharides. This research has uncovered a group of four active polysaccharides unique to the goji that are responsible for much of the berry's wide-ranging benefits. These phytonutrient compounds, known as biologically active polysaccharides, are of great importance to the smooth functioning of virtually every cell in your entire body.

Drinking GOJI every day...makes perfect sense.

Himalayan Goji Juice is carefully standardized to deliver a consistently high level of perfectly balanced and fully-active polysaccharides, and the 4 Master Molecules that your body needs on a daily basis for optimal health and longevity!

Here's just a small snapshot of some of the independent clinical studies that have been completed for the 4 Master Molecules (LBP1, LBP2, LBP3 and LBP4) mentioned above:

Enhanced Immune Response - Clinical Study

Anti-Fatigue Effects - Clinical Study

Weight Loss - Clinical Study

Free-Radical Prevention - Clinical Study

FreeLife and Dr. Mindell could have chosen to import sun-dried goji berries, yet it is well-known that a great deal of nutrient quality can be lost during dehydration, storage, and shipment. The fresh, unpasteurized, non-dehydrated form we can deliver it in is of utmost importance to experience the full benefits!

Keep in mind, there are some villages in remote regions of the world where goji is consumed daily --- where it's common for people to live beyond 100 years of age. Even more important, these villagers are alert, have plenty of energy, see clearly, are exceedingly cheerful, and lead active healthy lifestyles ...totally unaware of the debilitating effects aging has on western civilizations.

Do you really want to cheat your body out of these powerful benefits as you age? For your sake, I hope not!

Now... maybe your health wasn't at the top of the list of reasons Len invited you to see this site... or maybe it was. In either case, there are 7 more powerful reasons you want to get started with goji immediately...Go to The Goji Guy's site for more information about Goji.  You might just decided to Start Your Day...The Goji Way!




Make Money with Goji

Are you aware that making passive and residual income with Berry Goji Juice is entirely possible?  The process is relatively simple.  You simply tell others about the results that you are having by drinking Goji and offer them some.  You will find an amazing and flavorful way to start your day.  Yes, I am a pseudo poet, and I am coining the phrase:  Start Your Day the Goji Way!  I think that its catchy and will be a very good overall explanation of the entire Goji, Himalayan Goji, FreeLife International lifestyle that is currently sweeping this planet.


Just pickup the phone and call me, or send me an email to the address below.  I wil get your Goji Business off the ground the right way and give you my personal statement concerning my results by using Goji consistently.



Len Zakula-The Goji Guy 
Independent Marketing Exec. 




Visit my other Berry Goji sites listed below:










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