Sunday, January 27, 2008

Berry Goji

In my further articles concerning Goji, Goji Berry, Goji Berries, Himalayan Goji Juice and FreeLife International, I once again turn to Wikipedia.  You will see here that the significance of Goji is far ranging.  "Renowned in Asia as a highly nutritious food, wolfberries have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for about 1,900 years (Gross et al., 2006). Their undocumented legend, however, is considerably older, as wolfberries are often linked in Chinese lore to Shen Nung (Shennong), China's legendary First Emperor, mythical father of agriculture, and herbalist who lived circa 2,800 BC.

Since the early 21st century in the United States and other such developed countries, there has been rapidly growing recognition of wolfberries for their nutrient richness and antioxidant qualities, leading to a profusion of consumer products. Such rapid commercial development extends from wolfberry having a high ranking among "superfruits"[6] expected to be part of a billion dollar market by 2011["  The significance of this statement rings true to the fact that there is something special about Goji Juice.


It has been my personal experience that drinking Goji Juice every day, on a consistent basis, leads to positive results.  Once again, I am not allowed to advertise Goji, but I can give my opinions here and this is exactly what I will do.  Goji is a pure form of the Tibeta Wolfberry.  It is only grown in the Tibeta Mountains.  Oh sure, there are many other forms of Goji on the market, but only Himalayan Goji Juice is grown for FreeLife International.  They oversee the entire process from harvesting to production.  Its a billion dollar industry that is growing in popularity day by day.


Dr. Mindell, the originator of Goji as we know it today, has worked tirelessly to bring Goji Juice to the entire world.  Through his efforts, and the concerted efforts of FreeLife, we now have access to the purest form of Goji known to man.  As the ancients knew, the mystical qualities of the Barbarum Lycium, or Wolfberry, is known to produce positive effects on the human body.  How far ranging this goes is unknown, but research continues to unlock the power of Goji at regular intervals.


I like Goji Juice.  I like the way it makes me feel.  I like the taste of Goji and I will drink Goji from now on.  I think that Goji can and will produce positive effects when taken consistently day by day.  Just as you take vitamins, I feel that Goji Juice should be an integral part of every diet.  Of course, it goes without saying, but we should all do what we can to maintain our health and vigor.  I know from personal experience, adopting proper mindset and attitudes is one of the most important aspects that you can accomplish for yourself.


When you desire more information about Goji, Goji Berries, Goji Juice, Himalayan Goji Juice and other Goji products, simply email me, or pick that phone up and call me.  You will find that I will not try to sell you on Goji,  I am here to simply ask your questions.  If I don't know a particular aspect of Goji, I can certainly find out for you from the FreeLife people.  They are always ready to assist anyone who has questions or concerns about their Himalayan Goji Juice product.




Len Zakula-The Goji Guy  (Check Me Out on Google!)
Independent Marketing Exec. 







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