Monday, April 21, 2008

What is Coaching and Mentoring?

What is Coaching and Mentoring?


Coaching and mentoring are the processes that make it possible for an individual or business to achieve their goals and full potential.


A good coach/mentor uses the power of questions to inspire the thought processes that motivate the individual's mind to empowering action and long lasting positive change.  The quality of anyone's life can be defined by the questions they are asking themselves and their internal dialogue.  Success, at any level, is primarily a mindset that goes beyond affirmations and positive thinking.  It has been said many times that what ever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve.  The key word is believe.


I have talked to so many people that have wonderful ideas, dreams, and goals and often you can hear the passion in their voice when they talk about them.  But invariably somewhere in that discussion, when I ask them questions, I discover that while they may have a burning desire to experience the reality of their dreams and goals, they have limiting belief's that prevent them from ever manifesting them.  They are mentally sabotaging their own success and they don't even realize it.  Their internal dialogue tells them they cannot do it.  So they can't.


Successful people have a different internal dialogue.  They focus on what they want, they have empowering reasons for why they want it and what it will mean to them, they create a plan for how to achieve it, they believe they will achieve it, and then it shows up in their reality. 


People are successful or unsuccessful at what they do for numerous reasons.  A good coach/mentor can help an individual, business or even large corporation break the limiting barriers that are holding them back by teaching them how to use their mind and other resources to achieve any goal or dream.  A proper mind set is the most important ingredient for success and a good coach/mentor knows this and teaches it.


I am a system owner with Jaguar Marketing Systems which is an educational and training program that teaches people how to start and build a home business, or grow an existing home business on the internet.  As a system owner with Jaguar Marketing, the first thing that you are taught and the first thing you learn is mind set and attitude.  Unless you have total belief in yourself and your ability, you will never be successful.


Jaguar Marketing Systems was created and developed by Al Turnquist, master salesman, motivator, coach and mentor.  Jaguar's core product is Mentor's on a Mission which is literally a multimillion dollar internet educational program that is loaded with audio and text lessons that can teach virtually anyone how to successfully start a home based business or build an existing one.  A unique benefit of the Jaguar Marketing System is that it includes valuable coaching and mentoring services.  Al Turnquist and associates are available to coach and mentor Jaguar System owners on how to build their home business and Mr. Turnquist is one of the leaders, if not the leader, in internet marketing.  He is among the best of the best.


As a Jaguar System owner, I have gained much knowledge and insight from Mr. Turnquist's years of experience.  Jaguar Marketing is the key that unlocks the door to successful internet marketing and if you are considering a home based business, or already have a home business, check out Jaguar Marketing Systems.  It is by the far the most informative and extensive home business educational and training program on the market today.  There are numerous internet marketing programs available but none that I have seen or heard about come close to what Al Turnquist has created with the Jaguar Marketing System.  If you are serious about becoming a professional home based business owner then you owe it to yourself and your business to find out how Jaguar Marketing can help you pave your own road to success.

Jim Morrisett-Business Mentor and Coach



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