Wednesday, April 30, 2008


您 好:

我们公司专为您-企业、家庭,国内、国际配送,出口拼箱,加 盟 连 锁所用到的五金产品提供以下优质服务:
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2,全球85家连 锁 超 市现场看货,现场采购,质量三包服务。
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全 球 85个小型连 锁 超 市地址电话
1 美国洛杉矶埃尔蒙特区沃尔玛街 3903号(EL Monte CA 91731) 001-626-264-0877
2 俄罗斯萨马拉市格罗兹年斯卡亚大街25号 007-8462-510488
中国青 岛 市:
3 团岛分部:青岛市市南区城武路57号-11(台西工商所对面) 82625210
4 东部分部:高田路11号田家花园(大福源西后侧50米) 85734208
5 河北路分部:南区河北路72号(河北路与莘县路丁子路口拐角处 82811715
6 大港一路分部:大港一路14号(旧货市场) 83816159
7 益都路分部:青岛市市北区益都路4号 82721947
8 台东分部:市北区德盛路59号(台东六路悦来粥店门前直走100米) 83619163
9 浮山后分部:浮山后四小区66号楼下网点(同兴路168号) 88757083
10 大尧三路分部:青岛市大尧三路13号1单元101室 85845516
11 长沙路分部:青岛市长沙路装饰材料市场三区33号(308国道202号乙-33) 82101929
12 鞍山一路分部:鞍山一路12号甲 83759661
13 海城分部:抚顺路4号(蔬菜批发市场斜对面) 85628249
14 四方分部:人民路346号甲(瑞昌路北侧拐弯处) 84852314
15 商丘路分部:四方区商丘路10号 84889582
16 南丰路分部:四方区南丰路24号-7 84873873
17 李村分部:李村河北村古镇路小吃街4号楼网点4-12号(华隆商厦后院内) 87062205
18 宾川路分部:李沧区宾川路26号(刘家下河毛公地村北200米) 87973037
19 郑庄分部:李沧区郑庄九水东路156号网点-3 66871716
20 沧口分部:沧口区永平路装饰材料市场C区29号(三中斜对面) 84657611
23 埠东分部:辽阳西路高科园装饰城N-25号 88613832
25 沙子口分部:崂山区沙子口家得乐超市对面 88807833
26 王哥庄分部:城阳区王哥庄街道办事处往西400米 87842262
27 城阳分部:青岛城阳区正阳街北头城子网点房(城阳区正阳南路12号) 87758421
29 河套分部:城阳区河套镇派出所东58米 87823938
30 上马分部:青岛市城阳区上马镇利客来超市南100米 87932327
31 仙家寨分部:青岛城阳区仙家寨南流路190号(浩大实业北临) 84818991
32 流亭分部:青岛城阳区流亭装饰材料市场内A-19号(原脱谷机厂) 84905352
33 惜福镇分部:青岛城阳区惜福镇王家村社区13#楼网点 87987676
34 夏庄分部:青岛市夏庄镇夏塔路网点(红绿灯往西400米左右) 89658187
35 黄岛分部:黄岛开发区武夷山路改造工程综合楼34号网点(海货市场南100米) 86970127
36 黄岛第二分部:青岛黄岛区斋堂岛街与崇明岛西路交叉口三联家电南50米 86853799
37 辛安分部:黄岛辛安镇黄河中路226-1号(开拓路叉口东南角东南庄1号楼4#网点) 86814220
38 红石崖分部:黄岛红石崖镇驻地王黄公路与芙蓉路交叉口西50米 83160299
39 薛家岛分部:黄岛区薛家岛衡山路17号网点利群商厦南 86873030
40 平度分部:平度市常州路南段,青岛路叉口南50米路东 88318793
41 胶南分部:胶南市人民路409号(华德商贸综合楼1号楼6号房,人民医院东500米) 86132537
42 胶南第三分部:青岛胶南市秦皇岛路200号 85176321
43 胶南灵山卫分部:青岛胶南市灵海路5128号 83186376
44 胶南隐珠分部:青岛胶南市隐珠镇黄海路36号甲 13969792590
45 胶州分部:胶州市郑州西路38号,郑州西路第一门,长途站西200米 87260319
46 胶州李哥庄分部:青岛胶州市李哥庄香港街180号(第四人民医院北100米) 88286322
47 王台分部:青岛胶南市环台北路79号王台镇红绿灯(原老转盘)往东100米. 83137776
48 莱西分部:莱西交通旅馆(长途站)南60米,路东侧.(莱西市青岛路35-5号) 86646288
49 即墨分部:即墨市南泉镇府前路2号三层楼网点(工商所东临) 13465428040
50 即墨兰村分部:即墨市兰村振兴路197号 82591373
烟 台 市:
51 烟台分部:芝罘区芝罘屯路18号(国恩装饰材料市场B区7号) 0535-6249882
52 莱山分部:莱山区迎春大街161号(初家路口处) 0535-2989986
53 莱山第二分部:烟台市莱山区永盛建材城8号楼-11号 0535-2762899
54 莱阳分部:莱阳市中医院正对面广场街西首 0535-7173663
55 芝罘分部:芝罘区幸福十六村港城建材市场153号 0535-2996512
56 福山分部:福山区福海路西侧蒲湾建材市场 0535-6300223
57 海阳分部:烟台海阳市海政路129号(三联家电西面,供销集团楼下) 0535-3228283
58 莱州分部:烟台莱州市西苑路629号 0535-2176576
59 招远城南分部:烟台招远市迎宾路迎春街东关装饰城D05号 0535-8229089
60 招远城北分部:烟台招远市河东路后柳行红绿灯南100米 0535-8135298
61 栖霞分部:烟台栖霞市跃进路309号(汽车站西100米) 0535-5226788
潍 坊 市:
62 潍坊诸城分部:诸城市市场街中段,人民路叉口北500米路东 0536-6563987
63 昌邑分部:潍坊昌邑市交通街天水市场东300米路北(交通稽查大队对面) 0536-7111456
64 安丘分部:安丘市五里河桥东50米路南 0536-4390596
65 高密分部:高密市长丰街农丰村委东50米路南 0536-2911998
威 海 市:
66 威海分部:威海市世昌大道104-4号(汽运五公司东恻) 0631-5896392
67 青岛路分部:威海市青岛中路114号楼南5号 0631-5929082
68 沈阳路分部:威海市东涝台沈阳路4号(沈阳路与大连路交叉口北200米路东) 0631-5624731
69 花园路分部:威海市环翠区花园南路48-2号 0631-5229119
70 张村分部:威海市环翠区张村镇长江街40号(荣丰韩货斜对面) 0631-5786851
71 文登分部:文登市义乌小商品批发市场B区1-23号,人民公安斜对面 0631-8469318
72 荣成分部:荣成市建业街新庄北区91-22号 0631-3617789
淄 博 市:
73 淄川分部: 淄川区张博路淄川火车站南中信银行对面 0533-5180943
德 州 市:
74 德州分部:德州市新湖南路鲁北供水总公司营业厅东20米 0534-2185892
75 德州青年路分部:德州市青年路(共青团路823号) 0534-5081157
日 照 市:
76 日照分部:日照市兴海路二中西墙外,长途站东南300米 0633-8228513
77 莒县分部:莒县莒州路282号隔壁(老汽车站斜对面) 0633-6172695
78 滨州惠民分部:滨州市惠民县环城南路沿街房网点(惠民热电厂西300米路南) 13754677712
79 菏泽巨野分部:菏泽市巨野县招商街距人民路交叉口北50米 0530-6137658
河 北 省:
80 保定分部:河北省保定市西苑北小区李庄路11-6号 0312-7519957
江 苏 省:
81 太仓分部:太仓市浮桥镇和平中路13号 0512-53709604
82 江苏南通分部:江苏省南通市方天大市场D区209号 13306291009
83 安徽合肥分部:合肥市五里庙装饰世界(二环路与南淝河路交叉口) 0551-3466078
84 山西晋城分部:山西省晋城市凤台西街市国税局对面 0356-2232091
85 长治分部:山西省长治市紫坊凯丰物贸园二期南十一排 0355-6058278

青 岛 富 青 远 工贸有限公司(配送中心,总部) 地址:青 岛市李沧区宾川路26号(九水路刘家下河,毛公地村北200米)
tel:0532-87973237,87973257 夏 芳 雪,车 惠 玲(商品订货,配送)
tel:87973257,13001662328 ,13070895377 赵 明 高 (加盟店加盟咨询)
tui订邮箱 回复后我们将立即中止对您的发信 并对给您带来的不便深表歉意



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Why Jaguar Marketing System Works

Jaguar works for a couple of simple reasons. It eliminates the reasons most people fail at home businesses.
Reasons People Fail
Phone Calls and Rejection
Negative Cash Flow
Lead Generation
No Sales Skills
Let's look at how Jaguar eliminates each of these issues:
Phone Calls and Rejection:
Traditional success in home business required one to make a lot of prospecting and closing phone call. The first call to a prospect was typically to determine if the prospect had a serious interest in looking at a home business opportunity. You either had to cold call or buy expensive leads.
Unless you have hide as thick as a rhino the rejection you experienced was tough. You had to make a lot of phone calls, suffer rude prospects and people who really were not interested. You would be lucky to convert 1 prospect out of 100 into a down-line team member. The goal was to invite the prospect to look at your business, you would ask the prospect to attend a conference call, meeting or visit a website.
After a prospect looked at your business the next step was to get him or her back on the phone for a closing call where you would attempt to get the prospect to signup with your business. This was also tough unless you had good sales and closing skills. If you were lucky your up-line sponsor was
Jaguar has completely eliminated the need to make both the invitation and closing call.
Jaguar in combination with the traffic generation software we use will drive thousands of people to your Jaguar Marketing website. It has been designed to screen out uninterested people and leave you with interested and qualified prospects.
People interested in one of your businesses will contact you only after they have qualified themselves as good prospects.
People interested in putting Jaguar to work for them will request a call from one of our professional closers. Each time one of our closers completes a sale for you, you will earn either $1000 or $3000. We call these system generated sales.
Cash Flow:
Because Jaguar is a complete marketing system it will promote your present businesses and promote itself at the same time. It will also promote multiple streams of income that include residual and immediate income.
The immediate income from system generated sales, those $1000 and $3000 retail profits put money in your bank while you are building your other residual income streams. Historically residual income streams took years to build. In fact most times a home business owner always had more money going out each month then coming in from their business. This forced a lot of people to quit.
Lead and Traffic Generation: 
Lead generation for home business owners has always been a challenge to say the least. In the old days people would literally go out to cold contact strangers, next people were told to make a list of family and friends and finally people were encouraged to buy names of people who were supposed to be interested in starting a home business. None of these methods worked well at all. Unfortunately, millions of home business owners are still using one or all of those methods.
Jaguar uses state of the art lead generation and traffic building software. This software will help you generate leads and traffic to your system site directly from the search engines. The system also uses sophisticated automated reverse marketing technology that targets exactly the kind of people you want visiting your marketing website. You marketing software also includes spam free email technology that will capture prospects and automatically continue sending those prospects emails inviting them to your Jaguar system site. This is all happening behind the scenes 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You will have 20 plus lead capture websites, each has a different free offer that will appeal to people interested in earning money on the internet. You will also have lead capture website we have developed to help you drive traffic to your system site. In a word your system will drive thousands of people to your system site and its cost effective. You will not have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to generate traffic to your system site. The total cost of our lead system is $41.95 a month.
In addition, your lead generation software also promotes itself and will build a secondary stream of income for you.
No Sales Skills:
Our solution here is both elegant and simple. We close your system generated sales for you. Mentors on a Mission has a reputation for providing the best sales training on the internet. We have trained thousands of home business owners in the art of closing sales. We took the best of the best and offered them a lot of money to act as closers for this system. All of our closers have earned six figure incomes, they all use the Predator system themselves and they all have 100% belief in the power of Jaguar.
In addition, they all attend a weekly class on advanced closing techniques. This class is taught by the master closer himself, Al Turnquist.
Al Turnquist is famous both on and off the internet for his ability to teach people how to close. You will never have to close a system sale yourself. Prospects interested in Jaguar will fill out a contact request. One of our closers will call that prospect back within 24hrs. Each of these sales will pay you $1000 or $3000.
Jaguar works because every component of the system works. Your software targets the right kind of people, uses state of the art presentation technology, eliminates tire kickers, sorts for interested people and our professionals close all of your system generated sales.


Jaguar Marketing System Business Portfolio

Jaguar Marketing System strives for absolute perfection of products and services in jump starting your future earnings. With this structure of management and product services... we have partnered with many successful companies that will provide you the tools to achieve your personal financial goals.
Jaguar Marketing System provides each individual the opportunity to earn money from the security and privacy of their home or office.  Jaguar Marketing is the Key to Your Financial Future.
The First Cost Effective Automated Marketing System
Anyone Can Now Earn$200,000 With a Home Business
No Prospecting No Conference Calls Builds Your Existing Business Builds Multiple Income Streams Our Trained Professionals Close Your Sales Earn $1000 or $3000 For Each System Generated Sale 
Jaguar Marketing System represents the new 21st Century business model. The day of having to work hours a day, make hundreds of prospecting phone calls, suffer rejection, buy leads and negative cash flow are gone forever.
Jaguar Marketing System will build your existing business if you have one. If you don't have a home business we have proven opportunities for you. At the same time Jaguar finds people interested in your business it also promotes itself. Each time Jaguar generates a system sale you will earn $1000 or $3000.All you ever do is use our state of the art lead and traffic generation software to drive traffic to your system site (like this one).
This site has been designed to sift, sort and eliminate people who are not interested. When a prospect is interested he will request a call and one of our highly trained professionals will call that prospect and close the sale for you.
Jaguar Marketing System Business Portfolio

Jaguar Marketing System

Jaguar Marketing System.
The First Cost Effective Automated Marketing System
Anyone Can Now Earn$200,000 With a Home Business
No Prospecting No Conference Calls Builds Your Existing Business Builds Multiple Income Streams Our Trained Professionals Close Your Sales Earn $1000 or $3000 For Each System Generated Sale  
Jaguar Marketing System represents the new 21st Century business model. The day of having to work hours a day, make hundreds of prospecting phone calls, suffer rejection, buy leads and negative cash flow are gone forever.
Jaguar Marketing System will build your existing business if you have one. If you don't have a home business we have proven opportunities for you. At the same time Jaguar finds people interested in your business it also promotes itself. Each time Jaguar generates a system sale you will earn $1000 or $3000.All you ever do is use our state of the art lead and traffic generation software to drive traffic to your system site.
This site has been designed to sift, sort and eliminate people who are not interested. When a prospect is interested he will request a call and one of our highly trained professionals will call that prospect and close the sale for you. 



Get Paid Daily!

 Are you ready for your "Unfair Get Paid Daily Advantage?"
That's what Veretekk is all about.
Hi, my name is Al Turnquist.. Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Get Paid Daily. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Get Paid Daily right now!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"
Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:
1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan
The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?
While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...
2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads
The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)
So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!
That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!
Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!
3) Upline Leadership and Support
Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!
You can contact me at any time:
 Al Turnquist
5379 16th St S
St. Petersburg, Fl 33705 United States
Phone: 727-865-0670
CLICK HERE for more information on Get Paid Daily!

So how does Veretekk really work?
It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!
Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.

I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Get Paid Daily!   I can show you a way to increase your pay on a daily basis.  This no-nonsense approach to making money from home is my speciality.  Fill in the contact form listed on the site below, and let's discuss your financial future.

Medical and Dental Affordable Coverage

Major Changes Announced for Ameriplan® Packages and Pricing Plans! We have added a Premium Ameriplan Health® benefits package that also includes an Ameriplan® Auto Club membership and Legal services!

The Ameriplan® Dental Plus Package includes Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic discount benefits. The individual dental package is $19.95 a month for your entire family. This plan applies to anyone living in the same household and you can use your Dental Plan the Next Day!!!
Our new Ameriplan Basic Health® Package is our discount Medical benefits plan. This plan includes physician care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, and a Nurseline! You can expect to save up to 50% on medical costs! This plan is $29.95 month for your entire family.
Our Ameriplan Total Health® Package includes all Medical (physician care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, Nurseline), Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Discounts! This plan is $39.95 a month and covers your entire household. You can expect to save up to 50% on medical costs and up to 80% with our dental plan!
Our Premium Plan is our Ameriplan Total Health Plus®. This is our complete package of services which includes our Medical (physician care, Ancillary Services, Hospital Advocacy, Nurseline), Dental, Vision, Prescription and Chiropractic Discounts, plus New services of Ameriplan® Auto Club, Ameriplan® Legal Services, and Ameriplan® Identity Theft Assistance! All of this is only $59.95 for the entire family.
Ameriplan® answers the needs of the average person today in terms of affordable health and dental coverage.  Consistently providing its customers with the best plans, as well as the state of the art home business model that allows making money as well, is making sweeps across Google.

Work at Home Business

Ameriplan® home based business opportunity is dedicated to good, decent,
hard-working Americans who are searching for a "legitimate" home-based
If you're like most people, you've seen your fair share of "pie-in-the-sky" business
opportunities.  People like Al Turnquist know the difference between real business
opportunities, and the ones that only promise and never deliver.
Everyday we are showing a limited group of people from all walks of life, who may
or may not have any training, how to obtain financial freedom by becoming an IBO
(Independent Business Owner) through the Ameriplan® home based business
Ameriplan® is a legitimate work at home business opportunity that allows you to
take control of your schedule and your life! No more tough sacrifices, no more
difficult compromises between earning a living and other areas of your life. Now,
you can make your own schedule, and give your life the time and energy it
With Ameriplans® work at home business opportunity, you are giving yourself the
gift of time. No more messy commutes, no more pointless meetings! You
decide when and how much to work, knowing that you are being valued for each
minute spent at work, as your own boss.
With the freedom that Ameriplans® home based business opportunity gives you.
Your hobbies and interests don't have to fall by the wayside, as you fight traffic
getting to the job. Now, you decide how you will spend your days. When you are
your own boss, you become important again!
Most of us have seen a newspaper ad promising thousands of dollars of income
by simply spending a couple of hours each day making phone calls or stuffing
envelopes. We have all probably heard about the lotions, potions and parties that
are available for you as well. Ameriplan is a work at home business opportunity
that offers services that 70% of the population needs.
Most of the home based business or work at home business opportunities that
are available pay once a month, so you have to wait to get paid. Ameriplan IBO
home based business pays you daily. No waiting to get paid.
Ameriplan home based business also offers you the opportunity to receive six
month advanced commissions on all the business you write. That's right, not only
do you get paid daily but you get paid six months in advanced.
Residual income is the real reason that we are all looking for a work at home
business opportunity. No one wants to work for the rest of there lives and it is
getting harder and harder each day to avoid living from paycheck to paycheck.
Ameriplan IBO home based business opportunity pays 30% commissions as
well as builds residual income for you that you can past on to your family.
AmeriPlan® has identified a HIGH DEMAND NICHE in the billion-dollar health
benefits industry, with virtually no competition!
AmeriPlan® IBO's share the availability of affordable quality supplemental health
benefits with the millions of Americans who are uninsured or under-insured,
because they care.
AmeriPlan USA® is the nation's largest provider of discounted health benefits in
the United States and we provide MORE benefits at a LOWER price than anyone
Since 7 out of 10 people DO NOT have what we offer, we've become the
undisputed industry leader.
With health insurance in the state that it is currently in, Americans are looking for
ways to save money on their medical bills.
Ameriplan® offers a high-quality Dental, Vision, Prescription Drug and Chiropractic
program that includes everyone in the household for under twenty dollars a
Freedom to work on your own terms... Financial Freedom... Lifestyle Freedom.
This is why literally thousands of Americans are quitting their jobs and starting
their own Ameriplan® IBO home based business.
Without any national advertising, Ameriplan® has grown from zero to almost 100
Million Dollars a year in sales and has created millionaires from all types of
Due to incredible press coverage and high demand for our product, many of our
full-time Independent Business Owners(IBO) are earning in excess of $100,000 a
year in residual income, accomplishing this in as little as 2 to 4 years.
Following our proven success system, one can earn up to $1000 to $1600 in their
first 2 weeks!
AmeriPlan® has taken the hard work out of owning a work at home business.
Ameriplan® has a unique business model, that is more like owning a private
franchise than owning a home based business. Thousands of AmeriPlan®
Independent Business Owners (IBO's) have built highly successful businesses of
their own, by sharing and caring.
Every IBO who joins is supplied with 5 websites for marketing their business. 
Every IBO also receives dental, vision, prescription and chiropractic benefits for
them and their family when they join as well.


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Freelife International

Are you ready for your "Unfair Freelife International  Advantage?"
That's what Veretekk is all about.
Hi, my name is Freelife International and I am your sponsor in the Veretekk system. Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Freelife International. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Freelife International right now!

Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"
Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:
1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan
The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?
While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...
2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads
The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)
So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!
That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!
Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!
3) Upline Leadership and Support
Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!
You can contact me at any time:
 Freelife International

So how does Veretekk really work?
It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!
Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.
So Welcome Aboard!
I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Freelife International!

Freelife International

Freelife International

The World's Most Powerful Anti-Aging Food


Did you know that in some remote places in this world, a life expectancy of more than 100 years is not uncommon?

Research has shown that many of the world's longest living people consume regular daily helpings of a tiny red fruit that may just be the world's most powerful anti-aging food: the goji berry.

FreeLife® is the first company to perfect a difficult and demanding proprietary extraction process and create the only standardized form of this incredible plant available in the world today:




A Passion for Health, Naturally

When Ray Faltinsky was 15 years old, his life changed. He discovered that his mother, Martha, was ill with osteoporosis. Medical professionals advised that she would eventually be in a wheelchair. The Faltinsky family began to despair until Ray's older brother Ron, who was deeply involved in nutrition, made a special drink for Martha containing the nutrients vital to healthy bones. She agreed to try it, and slowly, over a period of months, the pain eased, and her mobility increased. When she returned to the doctor, the X-rays showed no evidence of this disease!

That single event began to shape Ray's passion for natural health, and fueled his desire to help people. So much so that when he graduated from Yale Law School, he knew he would never practice as a lawyer.

Together with his good friend Kevin Fournier, they founded FreeLife International to make that dream a reality. "We believed that we could build a company that would make a positive difference and would be a safe harbor for people who were looking for a permanent home," said Faltinsky.

Backed by 20 investors including famed investment guru, Anson Beard of Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter, Ray and Kevin launched FreeLife International in 1995. A few short years later, FreeLife was ranked by Inc. magazine as one of the fastest-growing, privately held companies in America.

The Secret of Himalayan Goji

In 1996, FreeLife scientists were introduced to the miraculous goji berry. We were so impressed by what we saw that we dedicated the next 7 years to unlocking the secret of this ancient Himalayan remedy.

FreeLife scientists discovered that goji's unique polysaccharides act as Master Molecules in the body. Synergized together, they serve as directors and carriers of the instructions that cells use to communicate with each other. As a result, they are of great importance to the smooth functioning of virtually every cell in the entire body.

Most importantly, we discovered the fingerprint of the potent goji of legend that originated in the Himalayas. Thus, we were able to identify, isolate, and harvest only those special goji berries with the active principles in exact balance for the most powerful results. After continued research, FreeLife found a way to capture goji's goodness in a 100% juice product, patterned after the ancient recipes and practices of the Himalayan people.

Changing Lives Around the World

In October of 2003, FreeLife International released Himalayan Goji® Juice. As people enjoyed its goodness, stories of enhanced health and well-being began flooding into FreeLife Headquarters from throughout the world. The goodness of Himalayan Goji Juice crossed all cultural, national, and ethnic boundaries. It was changing lives and the time was ripe for international expansion. FreeLife began an aggressive expansion in 2004, launching into Australia, Philippines, New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Trinidad, Antigua, Hong Kong, Singapore, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Bahamas, and St. Martin.

People everywhere have experienced tremendous results with Himalayan Goji Juice, making it the bestselling, number one goji product in the world. And now, the best has gotten even better with GoChi™.

Developed as a direct result of FreeLife's worldwide research efforts, GoChi represents the next generation of Himalayan Goji Juice, delivering an unprecedented potency and balance of the unique LBP in the goji berry. Named for the "go" in goji and chi, the ancient Chinese term for the "vital life force," GoChi contains all the goodness of Himalayan Goji Juice, and so much more!

It is said that the Himalayans were the first natural healers, and that one of their most prized possessions was the fruit of the native goji vine, which had been flourishing in the Himalayan valleys since the beginning of time. Today, we are the recipients of this priceless gift. Help us bring it to a waiting world!


Ways To Earn Income

FreeLife International's Compensation Plan provides you with significant upfront, part-time and long-term income. Whether your goal is to earn a monthly income of a couple hundred dollars, to several thousand dollars, to a five figure monthly income, you can make it happen if you consistently follow our system of success.

FreeLife's state-of-the-art products are the backbone of the compensation plan and enable you to build a business that can provide you income month after month, year after year that can last for a lifetime.

The Compensation Plan was designed with you in mind, the hardworking Marketing Executive who makes it all happen. Each part of the plan builds on the next, creating the most lucrative and rewarding compensation in the Direct Selling industry today.

FreeLife's Compensation Plan

Featuring President & Co-Founder Kevin Fournier

There Are 7 Ways To Earn Income In FreeLife

1. Product Rebate

2. Fast Start Bonus

a. Fast Start Bonus with Value Pack

3. Advancement Bonuses

4. 10 Level Plan

5. 20 - 60% Matching Bonus

6. Ambassador Generational Bonuses

7. 2% Himalayan Goji Bonus Pool


Tired of the same old Freelife International business model? You know, buying Freelife International leads, making cold phone calls, giving Gochi to family and friends, and all the other bs that all mlm companies tell you about?

Take a deep breath and smell what is cookin'!



Nikken Leads

Nikken Leads

THE Nikken Corporation

As one of the first wellness companies ever established, Nikken has been at the forefront of the rapidly expanding $200-billion global wellness industry for over 30 years. The aim of the company is not only to sell quality products but also to offer people worldwide an improved way of living.

Established in 1975 by founder Isamu Masuda, Nikken is recognized worldwide as a world leader in wellness. Committed to scientific research and development, Nikken is known for its innovative products that combine science, nature and advanced technology. The company's exclusive line of total wellness products has earned a reputation for delivering results that people can see — and feel.

Nikken has an impressive track record of more than three decades of success and stable growth.

* 30+ years in business

* Millions of satisfied customers globally

* 35+ countries and counting

Today, Nikken oversees its global operations from its state-of-the-art headquarters in Irvine, California.



Nikken has been the world leader in wellness ever since we pioneered the concept in 1975. And from the very beginning, we've been a different kind of company.

Our aim is not merely to sell a product or service. Nikken was created to offer people everywhere an improved way of living.

This is made possible through an idea known as total wellness. Instead of following the traditional approach of Western medicine that concentrates on curing disease, wellness emphasizes prevention, avoiding illness rather than curing it.

The Nikken vision includes an understanding that total wellness rests on the 5 Pillars of Health™ — Healthy Body, Mind, Family, Society and Finances. Balance in all of these areas can help produce a more healthy and satisfying lifestyle.

That inspiration led founder Isamu Masuda to begin an organization that became the fastest-growing direct-selling company in Japanese history. Today a global wellness company, Nikken allows people around the world to enjoy a healthy, balanced life.


The problem

An environment that is a source of constant stresses and challenges:

Too much to do, not enough time

Physical hazards — air and water pollution

Poor nutrition that leads to obesity and health problems

Lack of quality sleep

Lack of exercise

These problems even exist in our homes — in many cases much worse than in the outside world!



A crisis exists today. Millions of people are unwell, suffering from the stresses that are part of modern living: lack of sleep, poor nutrition (and obesity), exposure to dangerous pollutants, no exercise, time pressures. And people — millions of people — are looking for solutions.

You can help. Help yourself first: to better rest and relaxation, better air and water, good nutrition, improved health. Without changing the way you already live! Your friends, family, neighbors will see the difference. This is the opportunity to change your life — and theirs.

You can enjoy good health and financial security for the rest of your life. You can do that with Nikken — as people just like you have been doing since 1975. Take the first step today, and find out what a life in balance will do for you.


Nikken is geared towards health, healing and wealth. The combination of these factors is the combined 30 year history in the wellness industry.

This leads us to wonder. If you are going to build a successful Nikken business, then it is logical to assume that you are going to need to purchase Nikken leads, correct? Will these Nikken leads be costly? How much are you willing to spend for top quality Nikken leads? $100 each or more?

How would you like to build a business on Google and never have to buy leads again?

You simply buy customers each month.


Introducing Its Good Business “New Refreshing Business Concept”

Introducing Its Good Business "New Refreshing Business Concept"
By Jack Shea

Its Good Business creator Tom Prendergast CEO of Inetekk opens up strategies to all the members of Its Good Business and makes it a win - win business opportunity.
Its Good Business gives those with little or no hope left the answers they have been looking for. It Good business is a real business based on buying customers instead of throwing away your hard earned money on buying recycled leads.
Its Good Business offers training to all of its members on how to market as a team. Top professionals in their field offer this training free to all Its Good Business members.
Its Good Business is laying the foundation for the next big marketing wave. Tom Prendergast developed Its Good Business for the little guy and gal to succeed.
Jack Shea

David D'arcangelo

David D'arcangelo

David D'arcangelo presents the All-In-One Liquid Vitamin that is overtaking the internet on Google. David is the supreme promoting talent behind GBG, and is doing a wonderful job in promoting the GBG product, the pay plan and the benefits of joining GBG.



With the Superior Advantage of Super Age-Delaying Antioxidants; Immune Enhancers; Digestants; Whole Body System Support & A Whole Lot More!

10 Formulas in One Bottle!

• Multi-Vitamin/Mineral!

• Potent Antioxidant

• Immune Enhancer!

• Natural Energizer!

• Mood & Memory Booster • Stress Reliever!

• Healthy Heart Formula!

• Bone & Joint Formula!

• Digestive Aid!

• Vision Support!

*With Our Exclusive monthly Auto-Shipment, FREE GBG business program and 60-day empty-bottle money back guarantee


David D'arcangeloOwner, The D'Arcangelo Companies

Greater San Diego Area

Current Owner at The D'Arcangelo Companies

Education University of Redlands

Industry Insurance and mlm networking


David D'arcangelo is the essence of network marketing. His expertise and knowledge in the field of mlm's and networking is legendary. There are few that can compete with David in terms of building residual income from a home based business.

His new exclusive campaign is the amazing All-In-One Liquid Formula Vitamin. At only $19.95. this mlm super power is sweeping across Google, along with D'arcangelo's premiere promoting presence.

Let's face it…what could be better than spreading health to those you care about, meeting a new and exciting network of people, making money…and having fun doing it? Empower yourself and enjoy the multitude of rewards our products bring! The GBG Opportunity Plan is so simple, that you can get started in seconds with your own personalized website, promotions, marketing and sales materials.

We are proud that hundreds of people just like yourself have shared in our success by becoming successful entrepreneurs and distributors of the GBG line of fantastic products. Whether you want to start a home-based business, make extra money or just spread the joy of health and wellness, we make it simple. You should not say "no" to this amazing opportunity!

GETTING STARTED TODAY with David D'arcagelo

Get all the information you need to get started today – within minutes! Our website includes free online training on our complete product line. In addition, our professional staff is there to help give you the tools you need for success! Whether you want to distribute online, to family and friends, through personal contacts, mailings, business-to-business or all of the above….we make the road to success easy!


GBG The All-In-One Liquid Vitamin is the best of the best in mlm opportunities. There should be a question raised here at this point.

How are you going to build your GBG business with David D'arcangelo? Are you going to buy GBG leads? Are you going to convince friends and family to join you? Are you going to make cold phone calls to GBG leads?

Are you weary from this same old mlm infection that is seen all over Google?

Try something refreshingly different. Just buy customers, not leads, to build your Google business.

Its Good Business


MLM Madness

Madness In The Home Business Industry

This article today is pointed directly at the mlm industry. As a general rule, all mlm companies are exactly alike. Oh sure, they all claim that their jungle juice, their miracle anti-oxidant vitamin formula, their x20 water, their coral calcium, their fluctuation is all the latest and greatest stuff on the planet. They all show pictures of giant corporations where their strategic offices are located.

Well, I did some research on these companies and I discovered a gem of true diamond proportions. They all take pictures of giant headquarters, but in all actuality, after digging deep, I discovered that they have an LLC office located in some town. You could not find these super wealthy tycoons if your life depended on it. You can even do a domain search on the net, and you will discover that almost all of them buy the private label in domain hosting. In other words, they are hiding their true identity where they cannot be reached.

I repeat. All mlm companies are the same. Let's call a spade a spade here folks. They all have the same MO as all the others. They wrap their heads around the fact that their pay plan being a forced matrix, or a sublevel binary pay out or some other kind of bs, is the best in the industry. The payouts with their companies are the best in the home business industry and all the other associated lies that go with it. I am going to show you some real time results of companies that I have either joined, or been associated with, over the last few years. I will also prove why even though their products may be good, they pay plans, fast start bonuses and all the other related (cocca) is just that. Repeating once again, all home business industries are built on lies, deception and are all geared to make you think that you are going to become rich if you do exactly what they say do. In all fairness, they are nothing more than some guy who had the money to build websites and tell others about it. The term liars and scam artists comes immediately to my mind here.



Ah yes. Xooma with the X20 water that will raise the ph of your body. I was in Xooma a few years ago, and I really worked that program. I made the cold phone calls, I talked with many people, I personally held their telephone conference calls five times a week. I bought and used their X20 water. Boy, did I buy their X20 water. I listened to the guys like Mark Brehmer and Louie Moss, who told all of us that in only 30, 60 or 90 days, they were going to rain down people in our downlines and make us all rich. I fell into that like a sheep to slaughter.

There was a problem with this. I did the work. I steadily made cold phone calls. I bought Dan Putnam's X20 builder site. I bought Dan Putnam's (co-founder of Xooma) leads. I bought into all of the hype, the excitement, the interviews and the whole line of bs. At the end of the time spent with Ron Howell, Dan Putnam and all the Xooma crew, I had 500 people in my downline. These guys were paying me a whopping $300 per month, and I was buying $200 worth of product. Excuse me. Am I missing something here. I called Mark Brehmer one day to see what I was doing wrong, and you know what I received? Butch, in only 30, 60 or 90 know the rest of that story.

I made the decision to leave Ron Howell and crew. Do you think that they even said thanks for the effort? Do you think that they actually picked up the phone and thanked me for my tireless effort in holding their conference calls for no pay? Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, when I resigned, they simply wrote back and said account closed. Hey thanks, Ron, Dan and Mark Brehmer for your support. It is much appreciated. As a matter of fact, I would like to personally thank each of those guys in showing me the truth teeth behind the mlm industry. I got an education on that one folks.


Hello World

The company designed to sell you a program to produce video emails. I bought the executive pack. This thing cost me about $3000. Oh yeah. They all told me how with just a little effort, I could get rich doing this program. The only thing that I got from these clowns was a Dell Computer, that I could have purchased for about $300, and a drawer full of webcams. Now I don't know how much that you use webcams, but I can tell you this. I can make you a great deal on Logitech webcams.

I never made one sale with this company. As a matter of fact, the emails were blocked as soon as they left my outbox. Hmmm. Make you wonder, right? You can just go to Google Videos, and do the same thing for $0. Hey, lesson learned again from Hello World and Hello Direct. Another prime example of liars, cheats and people who will strip you of your money and just go away.


Gold Calling

Oh yeah. Steven Burke. That notorious little fellow from Canada put up this exclusive phone dialing system whereby you can phone up to 25000 people per week to tell them about your latest and greatest. The first broadcast that I did, I was personally threatened by 10 people who wanted to sue me because I had called their number on the do not call list.

The cost of this fiasco was a mere $1500. When I asked Steven Burke for my money back, you know the answer, right? Oh, I did not sign you up in this program. A guy in Sweden, Paul Stevenson,signed me up. He could not and would not refund my money. Steven Burke, I have just one thing to say to you. Eat me!


The list could go on and on here folks, but you get the drift. All mlm companies are built the same. They all wrap their shit in a different package. They all have compensation plans that are geared to take your money and walk away. They are all lying to you when they tell you how much money you will be making. They all have written in the policies and procedures that they can do absolutely anything they want to you, and you have no recourse at all. They had not planned that I would someday become powerful on the net, so that I could write editorials directly geared towards these morons. Perhaps, many of you have had the same experience in the home business industry.

All that I can say here is to become educated in the way that mlm companies are run. Never fall for their lies and hype. Become educated in they ways that the internet actually works. Then, and only then, will you be able to pick out the good businesses, from the bad. Let me ask you, the reader of this editorial about mlm's. Have you had similar experiences in the home business industry? Have you bought into the lies and hype? Have you paid extraordinary amounts of money in the past, and got nothing buy empty promises and empty pocketbooks?

Are you sick and tired of the same old mlm companies like Goji, Noni, LimuPlus, PassPort to Wealth, EDC Gold, Max International, GBG, Young LIving, Xooma, and the millions of others that are run alike, just packaged with another pretty bow?


There is a workaround to this issue in the home business industry. With this business model, you simply buy customers. You never make cold phone calls, get family and friends together on a conference call, buy expensive and non-productive leads, and you can take to the bank, that the investment you make, will show a significant returning year or so.


Butch Hamilton

The Truth About Internet Marketing



Monday, April 28, 2008

SEO Master

SEO Master
Becoming a true seo master on Google is no easy accomplishment.  Tapping into the consistent ebb and flow of the internet is an art form which requires diligence, persistence, creative writing abilities and the desire to consistently post well written ad content to the search engines on a daily basis.  Butch Hamilton, noted seo master, is committed to bringing companies and individual clients the very best in seo work including domain purchasing, website construction, website promoting and the other necessary elements required to obtain top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN, ASK.Com, WindowsLive and all the other major search engines of the internet.
Butch Hamilton is consistently getting top ranks for his seo clients.  The key to obtaining these positions is following closely the guidelines of Google Information for Webmasters.  All the techniques, systems and strategies that he uses are approved by this website.  There is an unwritten law in successfully promoting on the internet.  If one is to appeal to the search engine spiders of Google, one simply uses the remarkable suggestions and tools that Google recommends.  There is no war around the fact that if one approaches seo in the manner described, search engine rankings will be achieved.
Content is the absolute key to successful promoting online.  Mr. Hamilton is an accomplished author with many insightful and relevant ezine articles, press releases and blog posts to his credit.  Undeniably, most people tend to miss the entire picture when it comes to building a significant and viable business on the internet.  It is much like they consider marketing online as getting an affiliate site that has their contact information clearly on the page, and now they are ready to make money online.  This could not be further from the truth.  As a general rule of thumb, there is never an affiliate site that is search engine compatible.  It makes no difference whether the owners of the company share this secret or not, it is simply the truth.  The workaround to this issue is that one must create a search engine friendly site, and then consistently post information, or build links, that come back to this site.  This process is known as link building and it is the only proven technique that works in capturing top spots on the search engines.
There has never been, nor will there ever be, a software program, a download of some sort, or any other system that will ever work for organic (non-paid) search engine rankings.  This is a bold statement, but there again, this seo article is all about telling the truth.  Many seo companies have taken large sums of money simply for claiming to index that person's website to Google within 24 hrs.  This technique is readily available for anyone for absolutely free.  This proves that not all seo businesses are what they claim to be.  Reliable seo work is simply a slow, steadily building process that leads to good results on the search engines.  No one has the insider secrets to Google.  Any seo company or, so-called, seo guru that tells a client this, is simply a liar and scam artist.  One must constantly be diligent to not fall for these quick fixes online.  In all honesty and integrity, there is never an easy answer to quality search engine optimization work.
Quality seo work and obtaining top positions on Google is what Butch Hamilton is committed to providing.  Most do not have the fortitude to consistently write effective copy and presentations on a daily basis.  Mr. Hamilton conducts seo training classes on a weekly basis and has hundreds of contacts per month to speak with concerning building a substantial online business.  Butch Hamilton works closely with some of the most powerful online companies on Google today.  These references are gladly shared by simply filling out the provided form below.
Search engine optimization, search engine marketing, obtaining top positions on Google, getting traffic to websites and building high traffic search engine compatible websites is all part of the daily routine for Butch Hamilton, SEO Master.  For more information concerning quality seo work, simply contact him at link below.
There has never been a more powerful seo team working the search engines on Google at the present time.  From Domain Purchasing and Hosting Through Website Construction and Successfully Promoting to Top Positions on Google, this seo services is unlike any other.
When you are ready to take your online business to a new level, you will give us a call!


SEO Consulting Services

SEO Consulting
SEO, or search engine optimization, is the art and science of setting about the complicated and time consuming task of obtaining a top position on Google.  This intricately designed plan must contain all the essential elements to gain notoriety and presence on Google.  Each vital part of the overall picture must contain the proper segments for the site to be seen at some point on the search engines.  Without these in place, the site is destined to fall into cyberworld in total obscurity.  Having needed information, from a qualified SEO Master like Butch Hamilton, can mean the difference between having success with the website, or the website never being seen on the net.
Mr. Hamilton has worked steadily throughout the years to gain top positions on the internet.  His range and depth in the field of SEO is unparalleled in the industry.  He realizes that being fluid, in an ever changing world of Google, is essential to the overall management of any website.  Mr. Hamilton is the CEO and Founder of Phase IV Marketing Group.  His search engine optimization system is designed to assist those in need of top level services in the area of getting traffic to websites, is known throughout the internet.
Having access to real-time information and a superb working knowledge of obtaining top positions on Google is essential.  Mr. Hamilton offers quality seo consulting at reasonable rates.  These services can be had on a one time basis, or as an ongoing process throughout the months and years.  Having a corporate or personal mentor in the process known as search engine optimization can mean dollars being lost, or made, on the net.
Butch Hamilton is also known for complete SEO campaigns as well.  He provides services that are second to none and is willing to go the extra mile for the fortunate seo client base that hire him for this knowledge and expertise.  The hallmark phrase for Phase IV Marketing Group is "From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction Obtaining Top Positions on Google," is a powerful testament to the services that are provided by himself and his qualified staff.
The entire seo process hinges on quality link building techniques by writing keyword specific information.  Mr. Hamilton writes all of the content for websites, articles, blog posts and press releases that are sent out live on the internet.  He is known for his excellent spider writing ability and proves daily, that there is none better at this job.  He is dedicated to providing his esteemed client base the services they need to gain search engine rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive, and all the other major search engines of the net.
All seo services are taken on a one to one basis.  There is no blanket charge for any service other than press release writing, blog posting and article content writing for search engine spider food.  To get prices for seo services provided, it will be necessary to call the numbers below.

Butch Hamilton follows to the letter, the Google Information for Webmasters Website.  No black hat techniques, automated submission services, or link building strategies are used that are not approved by Google.  Mr. Hamilton's track record for quality seo services is unmatched in this industry and he suggests giving him a call today at the numbers listed below to discover exactly how he can assist you in your online journey.

For more information concerning seo services, follow the link below.  There is no more powerful promoting team currently working seo today.


The term seo stands for search engine optimization.  Any legitimate seo company now conducting business on Google has a responsibility to give their clients the top rated seo services available.  Following closely the Google Tools for Webmasters is an important first step in the overall seo process.  In this new world of seo technology, it comes down to the fact that producing significant backlinks to promote websites is the rule of thumb.  Many people today think that using automated seo systems to obtain top positions on Google is the rule of the day, while this is a gross misconception.  There are many schools of seo thought that pervade the internet.  The so called seo gurus found on several of the esteemed groups claim success with top ratings on Google by using specific algorithmic terminology.  In actuality, seo is a simple process of writing keyword specific information, submitting that information to heavily spidered sites and consistently watching the ebb and flow of the net.  No one person or seo organization has the market cornered on seo techniques.  In fact, the process can be learned by anyone who watches, learns and follows closely the rules and regulations of the most powerful search engine of all.
SEO training becomes an integral part in the life of an seo expert.  They must spend time developing particular writing abilities for the search engine spiders.  Most do not have this ability.  Its a given that time, consistent effort, maintaining focus and purpose and other elements are needed in an effective seo campaign.  There is never a need to be overly rushed in this process as Google has a way of thwarting excessive use of black hat techniques in the quest to gain top ratings on the search engines.
For a great majority of people, seo is a mystery wrapped in an enigma.  They think that seo gurus know secrets that no one else has access to.  In fact, this is truly a misconception.  Good search engine rankings on Google, Yahoo, MSN, WindowsLive and the other major search engines can be accomplished by almost anyone willing to be patient and determined.  I tend to call seo an art and a science.  It is my learned opinion that the reason most are not successful on the internet is they lack the basic education to learn the techniques that work.  Let me caution anyone reading this article.  There is no software program, no quick fix and absolutely no way to buy your way to top positions other than pay-per-click ads.  In organic seo, the process is the same for everyone.  Buying keyword specific domains, tagging those sites correctly and maintaining poise are the key ingredients to top organic search positions.  People who try to buy their way to the top of this mountain are simply throwing their money away.  I am sure that the heads of these software companies will disagree, but after years of intensive research into the art of seo, these are my findings and my results as well.

Patient determination, focus and dogged determination play an integral part in any effective seo campaign.  Diligence and visualization also come heavily into play here as well.  My most successful seo campaigns often take months of intensive work to accomplish, but I never give up.  I simply keep placing the information to press releases, ezine articles, blog posts and forum posts and I know without a shadow of a doubt, that I will accomplish the high traffic keyword that I am attempting to master.  There is a basic rule of thumb in any seo campaign.  While no one can guarantee sales from obtaining top positions, without those search engine rankings, no one will view the site.  The term taking a shot heavily applies to marketing online.  Once you obtain the positions, its time to be patient for the people to begin viewing the presentations.  Having traffic to the site in adequate amounts will eventually lead to signups and sales.
When you decide to become serious about your business, you need the top rated seo people on Google today.  We stand by to assist you.  You need to decide here and now that you will become committed to building your business the right way, or just go about the path that you are on now.
Search engine positions, traffic to sites, classified advertising all done to the letter of Google requirements, is the job that we perform.  There is no more powerful seo team on Google today.

SEO Services by Butch Hamilton

SEO Services by Butch Hamilton

Search Engine Optimization Services

Search engine optimization is the art of getting top positions on Google.  It is something that most people online are totally bewildered and confused about.  The whole process revolves around the ability to write great content.  Article content writing is definitely the way to appeal to the search engine spiders of Google and to gain notoriety and presence for your name, as well as your small business online.  This thins out the herd considerably as most people are fearful of the word writing.  Perhaps is invokes fear from an experience in a classroom as a child.  Maybe it is something that you just don't do unless you absolutely have to.  There is one given in writing, the more that you write, the more that you able to write.

The Key to Promoting on Google

Article content writing is pursued by a rare breed of people called authors.  These authors are the people that sit endlessly in front of digital screesns  and place their thoughts, feelings and moods down in a logical manner.  The bottom line to writing great content is to write like you talk.  If you have the gift of gab, you are well on your way to the ezine publishers submission service to give it a go.  The process of effectively building a search engine website, a website that contains all the necessarly elements for notice on Google, a site that is informative to people and that does not advertise a program or service, but rather gives people solutions to problems and benefits for joining, will gain great respect on the search engines.  If you simply advertise your greatest jungle juice like everyone else does, you too will have no success in your online business.
This is where my forte and passion lie.  I am dedicated to providing my seo clients with the search engine friendly site and then setting about the job of content writing to promote their sites to top positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other search engines.  SEO is not a quick fix answer to your promoting woes.  Just because you simply get a top position on Google, does not necessarily mean that you will make sales.  From that point, it is much like rolling the dice to see where they will land.  SEO Companies will often times try to convince you that their esteemed service will drive thousands of motivated visitors to your site and that you will make millions of dollars with their prestigious service.  Bottom line here guys is the fact that I am one of the best seo specialist on the internet today and I would never make such a ridiculous claim as that
Effective SEO Is About Consistency

Search engine optimization services is all about consistently feeding the spiders with keyword rich relevant content.  This whole mysterious process begins with visualization.  I pursued a keyword term on Google quite some time ago and it was called visualization marketing.  I know that the absolute power of visualizing your success first, is the single most important factor in determining the outcome of that project.  By visualizing my success on Google, I then set about the process of building keyword rich links that will go back to the website url I am promoting.  The process is time consuming and there is no way around the process no matter who says differently.  Even though information is consumed voraciously, you must consider that effective promoting on Google takes time, patience, effort and the dogged determination to come to fruition.  Be very aware of one thing.  No one, and I mean absolutely no one has all the answers to seo techniques.  It is a constantly changing process and you have to become very fluid in your approach on the search engines to be successful.  The process of testing, testing and more testing is essential.  Listening to some so-called internet guru tell you that promoting is simple, is simply attempting to take your money and walk away.


Objectives of Search Engine Optimization
I have been personal witness to such seo companies that are doing absolutely nothing they say they are going to do.  They simply are here to harverst money from good and decent hardworking peope who have a dream for internet success.  The true objective of search engine optimization is to get traffic to a website by obtaining top positions on Google.  It is an art, a craft and requires diligence and persistence to achieve and maintain those objectives.  I am dedicated to my art and I look forward to serving your seo needs soon!
When you are ready to intensify your online business on Google, you will decide that the top level seo services is found here.  We provide what no other search engine service offers.

How Do I Promote My Website?

Website Promoting

How Do I Promote My Website?
Promoting a website is a complex process that requires persistence, diligence, a supreme writing ability and the correct mindset to tap into the ebb and flow of Google.  You must perceive the success you desire first, and then set about the consistent effort daily to achieve the desired search engine position.  Most people do not have a clue about the necessary strategies they need to obtain these positions.  Perhaps you have an online business.  You may be wondering how in the world can I get people to view my site with the trillions upon trillions of pieces of information floating about daily on Google?  The fact is, once you become attuned to what is required, then a conscious and consistent effort will lead to success.  I say this with the tongue in cheek attitude.  You will have success if your website is promotable on the search engines.  This is precisely what you will pay me for.  I know what it takes to build a search engine friendly site.  I know what it takes to gat top positions on the search engines.  It is my job to utilize my skill to the utmost ability for you and your sites.
How Do I Build a Search Engine Friendly Website?
When I am constructing a website, I must be concerned with three very important elements.  I must know that Google is concerned with three things.  The title, the keywords and the ad content are the main components of any successful website.  Most people are tuned into what they think they need to have a great website.  They think it must be flashy with all sorts of graphic images, elaborate layouts and must draw people's attention to click thru the site.  The fact is, a website is your information roadmap.  You see, people are looking for something when surfing.  They are looking for information.  The are looking for solutions to a problem.  The are looking for a way to make money.  The may be looking for ways to promote their website.  Any topic that you can imagine, and some that you cannot even believe, are what people search for on Google.  If you do a great job in answering their questions, you may have a shot at making a sale.
Building a search engine compatible website is my job.  I must consider what keyword category I wish to place your site at the top on Google.  I must title it correctly and construct just the right meta and keyword rich content to make it effective on the most powerful search engine on the planet.  You must understand something here.  Google is about one thing and one thing only.  They are all about good information.  When you place that good original keyword rich before the search engine spiders, they will reward you for your efforts.  If you do not, your site will never be seen by anyone.  It really is that simple and that complicated as well.
How Long Does It Take to Get A Top Position on Google?
In answering this question effectively, you need to know the facts about promoting a website effectively.  You must never think that it will be an instantaneous success story.  Google has its own time and place for placing website information before the surfers of the internet.  You really cannot place a time frame on that success.  You must simply be patient, diligent and have the dogged determination to achieve the desired position on a keyword phrase.  Most people think that just getting some self-replicated site from an mlm company is the answer.  They really do believe that having the site that they are all set to make big money online.  Let's set the record straight right here.  I have NEVER seen a self replicated site that was promotable on the internet.  Let me repeat this statement once again.  I have NEVER seen a website that was either given to you, or that you paid money for that will ever be seen on Google.  The reason is that all of these sites are not search engine friendly.  Most people do not realize the system.  That is what you will be paying me for.  You will be paying me for my knowledge, which is extensive, concerning the correct way to place information on Google effectively.

I highly recommend that an effective seo campaign should run for a minimum of 6 month.  It will take that long before I have built the necessary links for your site to be up and running smoothly and effectively.  I know.  You are going to say, "but I need to make money now."  I hear this all the time.  I will tell you that you really should stick with your day job if you have that much of a financial strain.  The bottom line is there are NO quick fixes on the internet.  There is NO automated software program that will get you instant success.  There is NO seo group that can speed this process up for you.  There is NO black hat technique that you can use to get a top rating on Google.  There are NO shortcuts to success online.  If you have bought into this, you will be sadly frustrated at the results that you will have.  I say this from personal experience.  I have fallen for the hype, lies and scams online.  There are many seo companies online that will gladly take your money for absolutely nothing in return.
How Do I Get Traffic To My Website?
Getting traffic to a website is only about one thing and one thing only.  Maybe you have read the advertisements about getting one million visitors to your website for only $197?  Its a lie.  Guys, there is no such thing as the type of system that can achieve those ridiculous results for you.  There are NO programs that are legitimate that will get you traffic other than true search engine positions on Google, Yahoo, MSN and all the other major search engines.  There is only one way to accomplish this, and this is what I do.  I will get you needed traffic the right way.  I simply build links that lead to your website.  Once the site begins to gain recognition and notoriety on the search engines, you will begin to received needed traffic.  One final note of caution for you here.  Never fall for the line that says highly motivated traffic to your site.  There really is no such thing as people eagerly just waiting to join your program.  Highly motivated traffic is a scam when you see this on websites making ridiculous claims like this.  The only real way to accomplish traffic needs is to gain a high search engine position on a highly searched keyword term.
What Results Can I Expect?
The results you can expect from are a page one rank on Google for your website.  I will never make a guarantee as to a number one page one position.  It may happen, but I would never guarantee something like that.  I never will guarantee that you will make sales because of my seo.  Sales are your concern, not mine.  If you have a great product or service that you believe in, you may make sales, but that is not my primary concern as an seo specialist.  I am only here to place your website in a high traffic area and the rest is up to you as to how you will sell your program.  You will find that you may think that you have the latest and greatest money maker, or the latest and greatest widget, but will other people think this as well?  Who knows the answer to that one?  I certainly would never make a guarantee like that to you as being my seo client.  I will guarantee the position only.  The rest is up to fate.
How Much Does Search Engine Optimization Services Cost?
The fees for my highly regarded seo company are based solely on the amount of time and effort I will have to expend to reach the desired position.  Like I said before, the road will be a minimum of six months to the top of Google.  I may achieve that much quicker, but I advise my clients to be prepared to spend at least six months in this process.  There is no minimum amount of time here as the process of link building takes time and effort to pursue.  I will need to conduct extensive keyword research to determine exactly what high traffic keyword category to place your website on.
I consider search engine optimization an art form and I am the artists that can effectively create your online personae for you.  This will be an incredible experience for you and your online business to watch and grow.  We will start with nothing and with the consistent effort, the patience and true diligence the creation will begin to take form.  I use only Google Webmaster approved techniques to achieve these cherished top spots.  No unethical, immoral or adult sites will ever be promoted by my highly esteemed seo services.  I look forward to serving the needs of my seo clients.  I am fully prepared with testimonials, phone numbers and people who I have worked for in the past that you are more than welcome to contact.  My seo ability is far ranging.  As a matter of fact, I am one of the top rated seo specialist on the internet today.  I take great pride in my work.  I look forward to working with you soon in your online business.
When you are serious about your business on Google, give me a call!  From Domain Hosting Through Website Construction and Successfully Promoting to Top Positions on Google, it is all done here.