Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Webconferencing Training

Advita Energy Webconferencing Training
We are now implementing web conferencing as an integral part of distributor training, and introduction to the power of the Advita Energy Bands.  This highly prized web conferencing system, provided for by Vereconference, will allow pages to be pushed to the group, online power point presentations for viewing, whiteboard presentations, screencastings and an unlimited amount of ways that we can present the Advita Energy Bands to the world.
Webconferencing is the new sophisticated way to hold group meetings.  So much more effective and seamless than conventional teleconferencing calls, these sessions will inform, educate, motivate and inspire people to become more effective in building strong and viable home businesses using the power of Google.
View our Advta Energy Calendar Here:  http://advitaenergy.com/Advita_Energy_Calendar.html
You are welcome to login any time, and view what we offer.  The login can be done right from the calendar page.  Simply add your name, and the password guest to enter.  The room is monitored most hours of the day, just in case you may have a question concerning energy medicine, hologram discs and Advita Energy.
Our new innovations in marketing online, are going to make a huge difference in distributors becoming part of The Advita Platinum Team.  For more information concerning membership, Click Here:  http://advitaplatinumteam.com  and http://advitaplatinumteam.org
There is no time like the present to become part of the powerful network marketing team known as Advita Energy Pro.  We look forward to assisting you not only in health and wellness, but also in the art and science of building substantial home businesses that will withstand the test of time.
Advita Energy wishes you all health, wealth and happiness in 2009.  There has never been a better time to start a business on Google.  You will be amazed at what you can accomplish with our help!

April Elias
National Expansion Leader
Mobile: 302-275-3508

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