Sunday, December 28, 2008


Trivita A Simple plan

We contribute to TriVita's Media Acquisition Program and Trivita's customers become our customers for life. It's that simple.

You HATE MLM! Me too! You HATE recruiting friends and family! You HATE talking to strangers about your "opportunity"! You HATE going to these MLM meetings! You HATE cold calling the expensive leads you bough! You worked hard, you lost friends and money, me too! You tried MLM and get rich quick scheme, it did not work for you, right? It did not for me either!

Meanwhile, deep inside, you still hope to start a business where you can work home and are your own boss. Right? Me too! That was until I found what I was looking for. I searched on the internet for several months until I discovered what I was looking for. I wanted a business where I can work home; from anywhere in the world (I love to travel). I wanted a business with existing customers, a business where I can use the power of the Internet. I wanted a business where I have fun.

I founded all the above with TriVita. They have a simple marketing plan, I contribute to TriVita Media Acquisition Program and that TriVita customers (not leads, real customers) become my customers for life. Every time my customers re-order, I receive a lifetime commission. Every time they refer another customer, they become my customers too. It is that simple.

The rest is simple mathematics. Without hassle, without chasing friends and family, I have many real customers since day 1.

Wait a minute, you will say: is that a new scam created by a star-up company? I asked that same question!

Not at all, TriVita is a 10 years proven successful company. They started in 1999, reaching $100M in sales with 2 million customers and 15,000 independent affiliates. Do these numbers make sense to you? They did to me! Look at it more carefully; TriVita has an average of 133 customers per affiliate. That is good business sense, do you agree?

They produce quality customers at a very competitive cost because TriVita 's owner Michael R. Ellison is also the founder of Ellison Media Company . This Direct Response Marketing Company has over 30 years of experience with many prestigious clients. They also have their own television channel.

OK, but why do I have to pay for TriVita customer? It is their customer, right?

I asked the same question than you. In most of the business you may own, you will have to spend money to generate customers to your business. I checked with professional how much advertising costs shall I budget per customer? I had responses ranging from $100 to $350 per customer. I founded that the $50 asked by Trivita to be quite inexpensive, especially considering TriVita does all the follow-up for me, sending brochures, special offers, emails, etc. up to 6 times per month, for several years. I think that a pretty good deal.

That's seems good, but how do I know that's working

TriVita is successfully doing that marketing strategy since 1999. They generated more than 2 million customers. As of today, over 15,000 affiliates are buying these TriVita customers. All those I talked to are very happy with the return on their investment, thanks to TriVita.

Ok, to succeed, how many TriVita customers do I need to buy every month?

That is up to you. How much can and will you invest in your own business? How fast do you want the business to grow and make good money for you? Some buy 10 customers a month, some buy 100. The rest is exponential mathematics; I let you do the math! It is your money and your future.

You did you not talk about their products, what about it?

You are right. We were more talking about marketing strategy. You can have the best product of the world, if you do not have the proper distribution channel, you will not succeed. You need a product in constant demand by the consumer. As you certainly know, health and wellness is one of the fastest growing markets, despite the actual economic situation. TriVita primary product is a B12, B6 and Folic Acid Sublingual method Patented by Doctor Alfred Libby MD. They sold millions of them so far. Quite impressive, do you agree? You should check their complete product line on the internet and discover what consumers say on the blogs. I was quite impressed.

OK, if I decide to go with TriVita, why shall I join TriVita 101 TEAM instead of another group?

That is up to you. You need call other leaders of TriVita and see with them how they can help you reach your goals. All succeed with different methods. The TriVita 101 TEAM is very internet oriented. We are part of a larger group call with leaders like Tom Prendergast, Butch Hamilton and Al Gonzalez. We are one of the fastest if not the fastest growing marketing group within TriVita.

Why are you one of the fastest growing TriVita marketing groups?

It is quite logical. Tom Prendergast created Veretekk, one of the most (if not the most) efficient SEO (search engine optimization) method to promote a business website to the front of the Internet. TriVita 101 TEAM is part of Veretekk. I let you discover on the internet what Veretekk is about.

The meaning of number 101 is "easy". With a proper method and assistance, be assured that your efforts in starting your business are going to be successful. Like in any new venture, you need a coach and a mentor and we will help you succeed.

How fast can I make big bucks?

If it was a scam, I will tell you that you need put XXX amount of dollars and you will make thousands of dollars in 2 months. Well, this is a serious business, and like any real business, it depends on you. Your success is in direct relation of the investment and the time you give to your work-at-home business. We will gladly help you set your personal goals.

Let me summarize. You tried MLM, and get rich quick scam, it did not work for you, right? It did not for me either!

TriVita is a well-managed and successful company since 1999, with a product in demand and a unique marketing strategy. That allows you and me, the little guy or gal to start our small business with real customers from day one. In addition, do not forget, you do not have to talk to friends and family if you do not want to.

Veretekk is a proven internet SEO methodology that you can apply for your business even if you are not a computer savvy. This is the 21st Century. Your business has to use today and tomorrow's technology.

The TriVita 101 TEAM has the right people and willingness to help you all the way to your success. Remember……..

Its a simple plan

You contribute to TriVita's Media Acquisition Program

and TriVita's customers become Your customers for life.

It's that simple.

Raymond Hausler and his son Brian Scott are Independent Business Owners and created TriVita 101 TEAM to help people like yourself fulfill their American Dream of Independence. They both owned businesses in the past prior to joining TriVita and Veretekk.

Contact us directly anytime you want.

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