Monday, January 5, 2009

Renegade Marketing System

Ann Sieg has as pulled out all the stops
by offering her world famous Renegage
Marketing System at half-off.

Here's what she sent me and I wanted
to pass it on to you.

Happy Holidays,



Hi Robert,

The special Christmas half-off sale
for The Renegade Network Marketing
lead generation system ends at
midnight tomorrow.

Here's the full scoop:

This rare half-off special is my
way of saying "THANK YOU" for taking
action and doing what it takes to
have a profitable, thriving, and
successful MLM business!

Here's the special website where you
can save 50%:

Try My System For 50% OFF
And Get FOUR Free Bonuses!

In my email to you yesterday morning,
I mentioned there were only a couple
hundred copies left of the brand new
bonuses being offered to the first
1,000 subscribers who bought during
this half-off sale.

And just as I thought, the remaining
copies went pretty fast -- selling out
by early yesterday afternoon.

BUT... just because "they're" sold out,
doesn't mean you can't try my entire
Renegade Network Marketer lead generation
system for HALF-OFF (saving yourself
$33.50) and also get FOUR other bonuses
completely FREE!

So if the 50% discount isn't enough to
have you heading to my special "half-off"
website these FOUR free gifts will surely
do the trick:


*Bonus #1: Lifetime Access to the FULL
Renegade Network Marketer Backend Lead
Generation System


Inside you'll learn...

-How to write killer ads that get
results. (including a totally free
resource that will teach you more about
marketing and sales psychology than
most paid courses ever will. This one's
a personal favorite of mine and has
easily been worth tens of thousands of
dollars to me).

-How to follow up with your leads (and
when) to transition them into your

-The exact same sales strategies,
techniques, and step-by-step
procedures - all based on thousands
of live field tests done by real
distributors - that myself and my team
use to achieve closing ratios of 80%
or more when on the phone with our
prospects (none of which involve anything
even remotely resembling "boiler room


*Bonus #2: "Selling Without Being A
Salesperson: The Surprising Keys To
Fearless Comfort on the Phone." A
60-minute audio interview with John


-The step-by-step techniques John
used to conquer the phone and become
a sponsoring master, recruiting 28 people
in 40 days!

-How John converts his leads without
EVER even talking about the opportunity.
(Master this technique and your fear of
the phone will disappear forever)

-Why running out of money to buy leads
may have been the best thing to happen
to John in his business. (But why it
almost had him ready to quit!)


*Bonus #3: The Renegade Network Marketer
Unabridged Audio Training Program


To maximize your ability to consume,
absorb and profit from the power packed
information contained in The Renegade
Network Marketer manual, I've taken the
time to professionally record my entire
system in audio format, just for you.

This audio version makes the perfect
companion to The Renegade Network Marketer
PDF Manual.

And best of all... I've produced this
audio training program in MP3 format, so
you can easily upload it to your MP3 player
or even burn it to CD, to conveniently
listen to it in your car.


*Bonus #4: "Virology: The Secret Science of
Viral Marketing!"


-How you can gain automatic influence
over your prospects and how they perceive
you... Get this right, and you'll make
money every time you advertise.

-Ten critical viral marketing principles
you must use to create an unstoppable buzz
that spreads your website around faster
than a California brush fire!

-A killer new way to infect the multitudes
using nothing more than your marketing
message and "Web 2.0" services available
everywhere... at absolutely no cost!

Go here right now and claim your copy:

Talk soon,


P.S. - This special half-off sale ends
tomorrow at midnight. If you'd like to
get the revolutionary lead generation
system so many other network marketers
are raving about... and save 50%, then
go here now:

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