Monday, January 5, 2009

Parasites Cause Obesity

Dr. Ria Gilday, prominent Energy Medicine expert, has developed a worldwide following in her quest to assist others in living a more full and productive life through the consistent use of hologram energy bands and discs.  Dr. Ria is constantly researching and unlocking energy medicine secrets through her intensive research and analysis.
The new energy bands that she has created are a two band set.  They are comprised of endocrine energy stabilizer and the weight stabilizer bands.  These lightweight bands are hardly noticeable to wear, and serve to act as a natural and effective way to kill the bad parasites within the body, while keeping the good parasites in place.
There is currently nothing on Google like this in terms of effectiveness, simplicity of use and the ability to lose inches normally and naturally without dieting or straining.  Testimonials are coming consistently in at Advita Energy as to the effectiveness that users are seeing.  The weight loss comes slowly and naturally, as the way it should.  Possibly experiencing feeling thinner will be the first indication in using the Advita Energy Bands.
For a PDF about the newest product in Advita Energy, go to:
To order the bands, go to:

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