Hi, my name is Butch Hamilton, SEO Master and Master SEO Trainer for Veretekk. Veretekk is the most powerful online lead generation and automated marketing system in existence. It can be configured to promote any business opportunity you want. I use the system to promote my primary business - Its Good Business. I'd like to personally invite you to join me as part of my team in that business. Utilizing the vast array of tools available through Veretekk you'll have the ability to achieve incredible success as we work together to build a substantial ongoing stream of revenue. If you already have a business that you are promoting, that's great (but I'm sure you'd also be interested in an additional revenue stream!) If you're not currently promoting a particular business or just haven't been able to make the kind of money you want to with the business you are promoting, you need to take a look at Its Good Business right now!
CLICK HERE for more information on Its Good Business!
Separating the "Good Opportunities" from the "Great Opportunities"
Let's face it. There are probably a lot of "good" business opportunities out there today. But what turns a good opportunity into a truly incredible opportunity? When you're considering joining a new business, there are 3 critical things you need to consider:
1) The Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan
The biggest mistake most people make is thinking that these ARE THE ONLY 3 THINGS to consider! Now, obviously each of these things are very important in evaluating a new business opportunity. However, they really all fall into category 1. These are pretty common sense topics. You should thoroughly research the company. Is it stable? Has it been around for a long time or is it a start up? Is it regulated by any official government or organization? Are you able to actually contact them? etc, etc, etc. The product/service is also very important. If it does not offer real value to customers then there is no point in continuing. Finally, the compensation plan should be strong. Does it reward you for building a deep organization? ...or just for people you sign up yourself? Can you easily use a downline building strategy to leverage the maximum payout? Will your downline be able to duplicate this?
While a thorough evaluation of the Company, Product/Service, and Compensation Plan is very important, it will not help you to differentiate the good opportunities from the great ones! There are plenty of good companies with quality products/services and strong compensation plans out there. So what!?! It doesn't mean you will be successful promoting them... or that your downline will be able to duplicate the result! Want to know the secret that turns good deals into great ones? Read on...
2) The Marketing System, Never ending Quality Leads
The number one reason people fail in a new business is NOT because the company, product, or compensation plan is bad... they fail because they eventually run out of people to talk to about the business! They run out high quality, premium leads... and their downline does to! This is the classic situation that over 90% of people who join a good business opportunity end up facing! (Yes, that's right... over 90% of people who join any business fail - regardless of how good the opportunity is!)
So how do you tip the scales to your advantage? Simple - it's all about the marketing system! Imagine having a powerful marketing machine, complete with all the tools you and your downline need to explode your business! Imagine having a never ending stream of high quality, premium leads to expose your business to! Leads so good... many of them actually call you before you have a chance to call them!!!
That is exactly what I have to offer you with Veretekk. This system will allow you to fill your pipeline of prospects indefinitely! You will never run out of people to market to. I will personally do everything I can to assist you with the system and growing our business together. But, even if I am tied up you and your entire downline have access to live hands-on training from professional marketers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! These are people literally standing by to help teach you and your downline how to use this incredible marketing tool!
Now that's how you turn a good opportunity into a GREAT one! The secret is in the system!!!
3) Upline Leadership and Support
Finally, even if you have found a great company, product/service, and compensation plan... and have tapped into the Veretekk system to ensure you and your downline have an endless stream of high-end leads and powerful marketing tools, the thing that will really push your business past the tipping point is strong upline leadership and support. By using this system you will experience upline support like never before! In addition to live Veretekk training sessions, we have all the tools available to allow for hands-on assistance from serious marketing pro's virtually every day of the week!
You can contact me at any time:

502 E.4th P.O. Box 27
Clarendon, TX 79226 United States
Phone: 8068743314
CLICK HERE for more information on Its Good Business!
So how does Veretekk really work?
It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
So how does Veretekk really work?
It's actually very simple. It's all about relationships.
Veretekk is designed to allow you to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple "point and click" activities. You do NOT buy leads with Veretekk. The system develops them for you by allowing you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be the best quality leads you have ever seen! These are people who will actually know who you are when you call them... many of them will actually be awaiting your call! Better yet, over time many of them will actually start calling you before you!
Veretekk works by allowing you to provide other people with REAL VALUE to help THEM.
The system comes with a wide range of "Traffic Portals" which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value. Your Veretekk Silver system gives you access to a very limited number of these Traffic Portals. By upgrading to Veretekk Gold you'll have access to the entire suite of portals.
I can't tell you how happy I am to share this unbelievable system with you! Take your time and feel free to explore. Make sure you get on the live training sessions! (Very important!) And of course, take a few minutes to check out Its Good Business!
CLICK HERE for more information on Its Good Business!
Traffic Portals are the Heart of your system:
The Traffic Portal's main objective is to produce highly qualified entrepreneurial prospects that arrive in an exclusive relationship to you the Veretekk subscriber. By offering products and services of real value to prospects you are able to passively initiate positive relationships with other people, and in so doing broaden your personal sphere of influence. This allows you to build trust and credibility with your prospects rather than forcing your sales pitch on them from the start.
This all important one on one relationship marketing paradigm is what you have before you today. This new generation of Portals exploits the very essence of viral marketing making each portal extremely attractive to the Internet entrepreneur by rewarding them for aggressively distributing your Portals to the masses. Each Traffic Portal is a uniquely crafted, valuable to it's particular market. At the core, is your "Portal Marketing Center" designed to enable your ability to easily put your "Traffic Portals" into the main stream of the Internet culture. Every portal is designed to benefit unique vertical markets. By building a large portfolio of diverse services and sites, your sphere of influence grows exponentially within the expanding market of the Internet. Thus achieving a well established yet diverse distribution throughout the Internet social dichotomies.
One does not have to be an academic professional nor have deep philosophical beliefs to recognize the benefit that these Portals represent. By re-establishing credibility as the way business is conducted, character, once again becomes the central theme in the orchestration of commerce.
There are 3 types of Traffic Portals within the Veretekk system:
"Traffic Portals" are standard lead generation web sites. Their entire focus is to help you to develop high quality, Premium Leads by offering valuable products, services, or information for free or at a discount. The silver/gold bars indicates Traffic Portals available to Veretekk Silver/Gold subscribers.
"Profit Portals" are the same as Traffic Portals in that they are fully developed lead generation systems, but they go one step further by also offering their own affiliate program that you can sign-up into and create an additional revenue stream. It's totally up to you if you want to do so. Veretekk is all about empowering you with tools to promote your business, not ours or someone else's! That said, Profit Portals are legitimate lead generators for you. Signing up into the associated affiliate programs will simply help you catch additional revenue from leads who purchase something through that system.
"SEO Portals" are designed specifically to aide with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), not lead generation or direct marketing. As with all portals you have full control over the content (displayed text, hyperlinks, title/meta tags, photo upload, etc.) which makes these websites a powerful addition to your portfolio of SEO tools. Utilizing these portals allows your to expand your control out to over 40 different domains!
You are welcome to take advantage of any, or all, of the traffic generating portals below to build your business. I know that the absolute power of this system lies within these lead capture pages. There is nothing that can compete with the awesome power of configuring these portals in the right way.
As a matter of fact, I will even show you exactly how to setup your portals in the most effective manner.
So, there you have the incredible power of building a business without making cold calls, buying leads or any of the antiquated ways to make make money online. With ItsGoodBusinss.net, you simply buy paying customers. When you combine this with the unequalled power of Veretekk to promote your business, you have the power to actually become successful on Google for a change.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master-Phase IV Marketing Group
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours: M-F 9-6 CST
From Domain Purchasing Through Website Construction and Effective Promoting on Google
fax 806-874-0036
Office Hours: M-F 9-6 CST
Jim Skelton-Classified Ad Specialist
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229 (800)292-0232
Skelton SEO Services
50321 State Route 14, East Palestine, Ohio 44413
(330)426-3229 (800)292-0232
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