Hey, Time to Rock and Roll with Veretekk!
Happy Easter from the guys that run Veretekk!

Do you have faith?
If you live a few years like most people wont, you will live the rest of your life like most people can't
This was from Daily messages and boy is it true. It applies to my life. I live by the creed that delayed gratification is the rule. I have gone without for many years to build Veretekk.
Now as I finish up more than tens years of work with Veretekk, I am able to start marketing both Veretekk and my MLM business. Both are now starting to grow which means in the very near future my income will start to expand at a greater rate. I have grown great responsibility in this discipline of living a very frugal life style. Primarily paying off my debt and putting my money back into building Veretekk. Don't get me wrong, I still have debt but it is a fraction of what I inherited from my divorce.
As wealth becomes my reality I have developed a respect for wealth through this process. I wont be running out to buy a new car or buying a big house on the beach. I will build a retirement fund as well as continue to invest in assets. (Have you watched, "What you Buy on Payday) in your Sohomatic site?
This is the discipline that will put you into lifestyle that most people only dream of, but don't make the sacrifices to achieve.
I see most people buying lotto tickets and hoping against all odds that this will be their savior. Winning the lotto destroys people's lives. I know this as I knew a guy that was an accountant living a modest life won the million-dollar lotto in California about 8 years ago. He bought a fancy house. Got a fancy car. Stopped working his business and started partying all the time.
He started cultivating druggy girl friends and doing drugs. As his money started to dwindle he started dealing drugs. He got busted and spent the rest of his money getting off from the criminal charges. Only to return to dealing again and got busted again. This time he lost and while on bail he took off and now hides from the law. What a waste, but very typical.
So I ask you, do you have what it takes? Are you willing to reach past your abilities and sacrifice for the years required to work hard building a future with a good plan? If you do, have faith and are willing to live a tight life while you build for the future, then you will have that future most people only dream of.
May you be very blessed as we celebrate the greatest sacrifice in the History of mankind, the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
He has Risen .He has risen indeed!
See you this Sunday.
Thomas Prendergast
Inetekk.com, Inc.

Do you want to earn $500, $5000 or more by April 01!
Bench Mark bonus update. Three quarters the way through the month and the bonus stands at $880.00. It fluctuates with cancellations, account failures and restores and new upgrades.
Here is how it works. At the beginning of the month we set the number of Gold subscribers as the Bench Mark then subtract that from the end of the month and if there is a positive growth, we multiply that times $20 and pay that bonus to the subscriber that had the most Gold accounts increase in their front line.
Why are we doing this? We want to give you an incentive to connect with your Silver accounts in your front line. Talk to them, introduce them to all the new Silver changes and get them to engage in all the teaching videos now throughout the Silver Intro system.
We know once they see how it works, they will want to upgrade to Gold.
See you this Sunday!
Thomas Prendergast
Inetekk.com, Inc.

Silver Limited is done.
The conversion of Silver to Silver Intro is complete.
All areas now contain detailed videos of how and why these systems work for the purpose to educate and illustrate the power and function of Veretekk. This has been done as the final phase of building Veretekk Silver so new prospects can educate themselves on the power Veretekk Gold represents so the can make an educated decision to upgrade.
The Veretraining section has also been upgraded. The new Calendar in the Silver Veretrraining section has been segregated so that the Veretekk trainers can determine who can enter their classes. Like Butch Hamilton's very valuable information regarding SEO knowledge classroom is now only available to Gold subscribers. Training that is necessary to understand the Veretekk Gold system will continue to be available to the Silver subscribers.
We have also added Dr. Raymond Jewell's Economic analysis of Veretekk. Dr. Jewell has 30 years as an economist expert and holds a Bachelor, Masters and Ph.D. in economics. Ray made this for me without being asked. It is his way of thanking us for Veretekk. Well, I want to thank you Dr.Ray Jewell.
This is all being done in preparation for the new $10 per month Silver SEO release. Find out more this Sunday!

Bully Pulpit Upgrade
Your Bully Pulpit email captures are about to load as fast as lightening
I have rebuilt the Bully Pulpit database to run from a master server and slave server SQL system. This will make your Bully Pulpit load like lightening.
As it stands we have had to expand the table from 26 to 700+. Doing this is necessary to guarantee your access to the huge expanding email_capture database loads like lightening. So it will probably be another week. I am a perfectionist and want this load to be fast. not just now. but for the foreseeable future.
To find out more about this, come to this Sunday's conference.
Let's pack the house!
Mike Darling
Inetekk.com, Inc.

Cindy McAsey Column
How to Make Your Name Stick
In our fast paced world, we are constantly bombarded with marketing messages that many times turn into just one big blur. To top it off most of us have a very short attention spans, your marketing message needs stand out and get noticed in a short amount of time. Names are often the best tools and sometimes the only ones for accomplishing this effectively
To brand your company or product, your name should stick firmly in the mind and grab attention. It's important to be unique, but there are other factors to consider too. So, here are some simple rules to follow when choosing a name for your company, service, or product.
What Does the Name Do?
To make a company or product name truly memorable, it should convey its main feature or benefit. If I give you the word "Die Hard" for instance, you will think of a battery that dies hard. If I say "Jiffy Lube," you will naturally assume that it's a garage offering oil changes in a jiffy. If I say "Band-Aid," you will picture an adhesive bandage that comes to your aid. Names that do not convey at least the basic nature of a company will be easily forgotten. This includes hard-to-pronounce words, abbreviations, and acronyms such as "BFD Holdings Limited." It also includes self-titled companies such as "Jones Enterprises"
Benefits are particularly effective because such a name would make a company, product,or service appear as if it had some added value. When placed alongside a competitor offering an identical product, a benefit-based name positions itself above the competition in the mind. As a result, the name will thus be quickly remembered when people make their decision to buy.
Rhymes Move Minds
Since the invention of the printing press, the written word has made it easy for us to forget names. In the same respect until recently, the process of rhyming has gradually declined. But strangely, what we remember the most are, for example, the nursery rhymes that we were told as children. In today's memory management courses, people are told to use rhymes and word association in order to improve their memory. Rhyming is therefore effective because it is pleasing to the ear and helps to hook words easily in the mind.
Besides being easy to remember, rhyming also tends to add credibility. Psychology professor Dr. Matthew McGlone has found that rhymes not only make a phrase more memorable, they also make it more believable. As he points out, "People often attribute the aesthetic quality of a rhyme to the statement's validity, which suggests that people may unknowingly relate beauty (a rhyme's singsong quality) with truth." In other words, rhymes have a greater sense of credibility.
While some names can easily rhyme since they use multiple words (e.g., "Blinds of All Kinds" or "Ronald McDonald"), most names are made up of only one word. If they can not rhyme at least within themselves (e.g., "Coca-Cola", "barefootmom.com"), then the job would be conferred unto their taglines -- those small sentences that follow and complement names.
For example, if I said "It takes a licking but keeps on ticking," you will probably remember this phrase if not instantly recognize the product with which this tagline is associated. And if the tagline rhymes with the name (such as "When you need an edge, use Pledge", "Cinch the inch loss plan", "the Land of And"), the name will stick even more effectively as a result.
Repetition Expands the Power
What do "Saran-Wrap," "Willy Wonka," "GI Joe," "Barbie," "Barefoot Boss," "Crispy Crunch," "Blockbuster," and "Green Cream" all have in common? Similar to rhymes, the repetition of consonants give a name that pleasant and effective singsong quality. Repetition makes a name more memorable by making the pronunciation more simple. In other words, it is definitely easier to remember a string of similar sounds than it is to remember a combination of totally different sounding words. Did you "see the softer side of Sear's" lately?
Through my research I discovered rhymes and repetitious consonants used in order to make a name more memorable are called mnemonics. (My english teacher would be proud!) Mnemonics are not only useful but also effective, especially in the branding process. From the simplest product to the most complicated technical service, a memorable name helps to make the company, product or service memorable as well.
Cindy McAsey
Marketing Strategies Coach
Cindy McAsey is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.

Butch Hamilton Column
When I say that all my roads lead back to Veretekk, this is not a statement that I take lightly. After watching and working with this most powerful internet marketing system, I find that the results I derive from being a part of this system is incredible.
I am currently watching the enfoldment of a record breaking new business model. Using Veretekk as the core lead generation and search engine optimization system, I find the results are incredible. Tom Prendergast and Mike Darling have indeed created the most powerful marketing system on Google today.
When you begin to learn to use this system to full benefit as I have done, you will witness astounding results in all areas of your marketing. The complete marketing package, from building backlinks to promote your business, to creating appealing and attention getting autoresponder letters using Veremail and even in the tracking of your marketing progress, no one has what we have within Veretekk.
I now own and operate seven gold systems. I am planning on upgrading additional systems in the very near future. Having the power of promoting any keyword phrase I choose to the top of Google, ie, free, google, free google, work from home, leads and others within my system, I have unmatched and unequalled promoting power like the net has not yet seen before.
Stand and watch the promoting power of this system go to work for you, when you decided to become fully committed to using this system. I stand ready to assist you in my advanced seo training classes each and every Saturday at 6 PM PST. I look forward to mentoring you in the art and science of creating wealth, using the Veretekk System.
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Butch Hamilton is a well known Veretrainer and can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.

Pat Hoffman Customer Support Tips
VereCare LIVE Online Support
VereCare LIVE Online Support Cannot FIX TECH Problems BUT can help you determine if it is a TECH Problem at Your End or with the Veretekk system. If it is determined that the TECH Problem is at your end VereCare LIVE Online Support cannot fix it or be of any real TECH Help but if you have read the home page of the VereTraining area and checked out the information in the Support Links and you still have a TECH Problem at your end and need help it is suggested that you ENTER the FORUM.
Before you start reading the posts you will see at the top under the heading GENERAL, the words, 'READ FIRST'. This is where the administration will post known issues and alerts. Take time to read this 'READ FIRST' then move on to reading the forum looking for a post that may reflect the same TECH Problem you are experiencing. However, if you are unable to find anyone with a fix for your TECH Problem in the Forum and you are still looking for help from Veretekk, Thomas Prendergast, the CEO of Inetekk and co-creator of Veretekk makes himself available via phone and Skype. In all probability he will be able to help you or at least point you in the direction of getting the Pesky TECH Problem Fixed.
Now say you come to the VereCare LIVE Online Support with a TECH Problem and we are able to determine that the TECH Problem may be a Veretekk system problem. Again, VereCare LIVE Online Support cannot fix TECH Problems but can only help you determine if it is a TECH Problem at your end or with Veretekk. So we conclude it may be a problem with Veretekk. What to do then?
Well, the Forum comes into play again because with TECH Problems that may be Veretekk System Problems either Mike or Thomas must fix them and the Forum or Skype are how they learn of these Troublesome System TECH Problems. So ENTER the FORUM and remember to read the 'READ FIRST' section. Remember, this is where the administration will post known issues and alerts. Take time to read this and if the TECH Problem is mentioned you know it is being worked on. If your TECH Problem is NOT mentioned in either the 'READ FIRST' or the main forum then you will need to POST what you are experiencing in DETAIL! I also suggest you Skype Inetekk a 'FYI' that you posted a TECH Problem in the Forum. Remember, when you Skype a message to inetekk, include your Veretekk username.
Well, that pretty much takes care of TECH Problems issue. To summarize, you have to determine if the TECH Problem is at your end or a Veretekk system problem. If it is at your end, follow the PC tips in your Veretekk system and if all else fails get in touch with Thomas. If it is determined that it is a Veretekk system problem, then go to the Forum and check to see if it is being worked on or does another member have a fix for it and post your TECH Problem if necessary.
VereCare LIVE Online Support Chat HOURS: (Mon-Fri, 8 am - 5 pm PST) and (Sat and Sun, Noon - 5 pm PST)
Pat Hoffman
VereCare LIVE Online Support Person
Pat Hoffman is a well known Veretrainer and runs our VereCare support. She can be found training in the Veretraining Calendar.

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
To join the conference, just login to your Veretekk system and go to Veretraining, then just click on the Conference room link. The web conference begins at 6pm PST on Sunday.
Veretekk State of the System Address
Sunday, March 23, 2008 6pm PST
Mike Darling, President
Thomas Prendergast, CEO
Inetekk.com, Inc. (Veretekk)
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