Get Goji-ed!
Goji Gets It!
"In fact, goji was declared to be a superior herb as early as the first century A.D. when it was extolled in the Devine Farmer's Handbook of Natural Medicine (Shen Nong Ben Cao), perhaps the most important text in the history of Chinese medicine."
Picture a berry so powerfully dense with nutrients yet so fragile, simply touching it with human hands can erode some of its potency. You have two BIG problems facing you...
1. How do you find the right bloodline? There are over 41 different varieties of the goji berry in Tibet alone.
2. How do you harvest and process it to ensure you have the same consistency and potency in every single bottle of juice you produce?
And, think about this a minute... Just like growing grapes for wine -- in one year you may have just the right amount of sun, the perfect amount of rainfall, the optimum amount of nutrients in the soil -- to produce a stunning wine.
Take the same grape, same location, add a bad growing year --- and wham --- you've got vinegar instead of wine.
Dr. Mindell and his team knew, for the full health benefits to be obtained from such a powerful yet fragile berry:
- first, the end product must use the berry in its raw non-dehydrated and unpasteurized form,
- and second, a method must be invented to ensure the proper nutrients in the proper balance for optimum results was present in every bottle.
There isn't enough time here to go into the full details of what a spectrometer does and how it works (ask Len about the book "Goji, The Himalayan Health Secret" if you're into that kind of detail).
This will explain how accurate it is:
"Like any true fingerprint, the FT-IR Spectral Signature for each type of goji berry is unique. It can also tell the subtle differences between single-variety berries from neighboring valleys. More impressive still, it can discern differences between berries that were grown on the same vine in different years or under varying climate conditions."
No other company can duplicate our Himalayan Goji Juice! We own the patent for the only process that can guarantee you are receiving the FULL BENEFITS of the powerful goji berry ...and we've gone to great lengths to protect the entire process.
Without the spectral signature seal on the bottle, you could be buying useless flavored water. Other companies might try to fake it but they can't make it like we do - PERIOD.
Do you have any idea how thorough Dr. Mindell is when bringing any product to the world? This might give you an idea...
After 7 painstaking years of perfecting the harvesting and processing required to produce Himalayan Goji Juice, it took Dr. Mindell another 2 full years to combine the exact flavor elements that would enhance the final taste while at the same time maintain the proper balance for optimum health results.
Imagine the testing required!
Look at it like hydrogen. If you take 2 hydrogen elements and add 1 oxygen element, you get water - H2O. What if you added the element sulphide instead of oxygen? You'd get an extremely smelly gas --- H2S --- even worse --- it's highly toxic, comparable in toxicity to cyanide.
I don't know about you, but it scares me to death when I think about some of the other companies out there messing around with highly active ingredients like the enzymes found in the Goji berry.
Knowing Dr. Mindell's thorough approach to everything he does gives me complete confidence our product is safe for all ages --- the elderly, children, even pregnant women --- regardless of any health challenges they are facing. And unlike many other so-called "natural supplements" on the market, Himalayan Goji Juice won't interfere or react against any medications!
A word of CAUTION - accept no substitutes for Himalayan Goji Juice!
Which brings us to the health benefits. You need to know about the four master molecules found ONLY IN THE ORIGINAL ANCIENT HIMALAYAN GOJI BERRY BLOODLINE, the exact bloodline we use to produce Himalayan Goji Juice which has turned the Industry upside down. Just imagine what happens when the world finds out about this...
Time to do something good for yourself today! Try Goji risk free from The Goji Guy, Lennie Zakula
The Goji Guy Get Your Goji Here!
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