Unlimited no cost subscription. Place 12 million ads per submission.
Blast-O-Matic provides you with the most powerful ad submission system in the world - and best of all, it's NOCOST! Not just another ad submission either! No other ad submission service can compare to the "high-tech" / "high-touch" service you receive from Blast-O-Matic. Also receive unlimited live training.
Most companies charge a fee to provide you with an inferior service! The following is a comparison of a few of our "competitors" prices as of January, 2005:
Service: Submit Cheap Cost: $25 Receive: Out of Business.
Service: Submit Wolf Cost: $95 Receive: Software.
Service: Mega Response Cost: $39 Receive: 1 year.
Service: 123 Link Cost: $99 Receive: 6 subs.
Service: Ace Promote Cost: $129 Receive: 12 subs.
Service: Worldwide Promoter Cost: Starts at $9.95 Receive: One month limited use.
Service: Blast-O-Matic Cost: NOCOST Receive: Lifetime unlimited use.
Blastomatic is aimed to provide one goal. RESULTS!!!
Trying to promote on the Internet can be disheartening and costly. Unless you find the right tools, you're simply wasting your time and money. We make it easy for you by submitting your ad to millions of pages with just one click.
By using Blast-O-Matic you will literally be creating millions of links pointing to your website - automatically! This can greatly help increase your site popularity and help you to get a much better ranking in the search engines. The more you use Blast-O-Matic, the more links pointing to your website are created!
Blast-O-Matic provides you with the most powerful submission system in the world - and best of all, it's NOCOST! No other submission service can compare to the "high-tech" / "high-touch" service you receive from Blast-O-Matic. Most companies charge a fee to provide you with an inferior service! We charge you NOTHING! It is NO COST for ever!
Veretekk Testimonies!
I'll NEVER be without Veretekk!
Where to begin... Well, the first time I spoke to Tom (several months ago) and he explained this amazing system to me the first thing out of my mouth was "WOW! I've been looking for something like this!"... The NEXT thing out of my mouth was "Where can I sign-up!". The rest is history.
Since then I have put several thousand dollars in the bank using Veretekk generated leads for my Primary Program, Secondary Program, etc... And now, for the past couple of months since Veretekk launched their Affiliate Program, I have an additional stream of income... The Veretekk Affiliate Program.
By the way, my first check from the Veretekk Affiliate Program was a nice 4 figures & the second one is even a NICER 4 figures! THANKS Veretekk!
Of course, I'll never "buy" leads again.
THANKS Tom, Mike & Jeff & God bless you all for putting this amazing system together the right-way for all of us. It's definitely been a blessing to my residential business!
Paul Stanton
This System Has "Heart"I'm new to the residential business/Internet marketing scene! I started Dec 04 and by the end of Dec 04, after spending money and wasting time, I was frustrated and disheartened. I knew there had to be something out there that worked! Then came Veretekk. I've learned so much in just a few short weeks. For the first time I'm getting quality leads. And I'm making money...without having done much of anything. And this passive income is going to get huge. Veretekk is so powerful and creative. The trainings are worth their weight in gold!
Veretekk equals All Possibilities!
The guys at Veretekk are ahead of their time. Tom Prendergast has a huge intellect balanced with a huge heart. He really cares about helping people. I'm so grateful to have Veretekk.
Please, whatever you're doing...STOP. Do yourself a favor. Get on this system...plug into the trainings, bring a caring heart and a desire to help people and watch it work!
Connie Coffee
Veretekk makes Blastomatic available at no cost, ever!
Wonder what Veretekk is? Veretekk increases your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful suite of marketing tools ever created on the Internet! Veretekk's Marketing Control Center is a fully integrated suite of cutting edge, state of the art, marketing tools for insuring your online success. This is top of the line marketing automation that is easy to use, easy to afford, and easy to implement. Veretekk also provides live support and training experts 5 - 10 times per day so you are not left alone! Veretekk leads the industry in marketing automation and has been providing instant productivity and control for thousands of savvy marketers since 1998. It is no cost to join. Are you crazy or what?
Butch Hamilton-SEO Master
Veretekk Member
phone: 806-874-3314
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